Ferret’s Feast XXIII


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Pendente Mal Estranho
Date: March 19 , 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 19th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Kubiak (holy Trinity) Hall
846 Grandview St. W. Moose Jaw, SK

Please note the site
location has changed

Cubiak Hall (Holy Trinity
   725 9th Avenue South West
   Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan



March 19, 2011
Shire of Valley Wold
Moose Jaw SK

The populace of the Shire of Valleywold would like to invite
you to our yearly feast and tournament! This is our twenty
third year welcoming Lords and Ladies from shires all over An
Tir for contests celebrating martial skill, our myriad
artisans, and the fine art of Courtoise!

Champions of Heavy and Rapier will be chosen on the lists
during the day, armor inspection at noon. A&S competition
opens to judging at 3pm in the following categories: Culinary
Arts (brewing, cooking dishes), Fine Arts (Illumination,
games, painting, sculpture, heraldry), Textile Arts
(clothing, dyeing, embroidery, weaving), Performance (bardic,
dancing, musical, poetry), Sciences (jewelry, glasswork,
armor crafting, blacksmithing, paper making, shelter,
woodwork, leather work) and lastly Research Papers (any
period topic, no items required.)

Food for the feast will involve ingredients and recipes from
the darkest depths of Africa to tempt the pallate with exotic
dishes. Music will be provided and a copy of the evening’s
entertainment (on audio CD) will be available, at no cost, as
a token of the evening, allowing you to bring the soothing
tones of hammered dulcimers and other period pieces with you.
(Applicable Copyrights respected.)

Join us & discover how the Shire of Valleywold earned the
saying: “The tables shall groan from the weight of the food,
and the people shall groan from eating so much!”

Please note: Due to a double booking, the venue of the event
has been changed to accomodate changing circumstances.

This page for event id 5584 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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