Eggburt’s Feast & Gatekeeper’s Tourney


Hosted by Device of Myrtle Holt

The Shire of Myrtle Holt (Josephine County, OR )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Ansetrude Rhodebeortsdottir
Date: September 25 , 2004
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 25th 2004
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Rogue River Community Center
132 Broadway Rogue River, OR 97537

Come enjoy a day of fighting, feasting, and fun with Myrtleholt. As always we offer our warmth and hospitality to all who come.

On this day there is to be held, two tourneys; the first for title (Summits only), the second for prize (open to all fighters), a wonderful feast prepared by HL Felicia, and other good fun. (please visit the web site)

For those travelling a long distance, tenting space is available begining Friday afternoon, at the home of Ted Stanfield, 1003 Pine St, Rogue River. Tenting closes Sunday noon please.

For any questions go to: or contact the Autocrat:
Ansetrude Rhodebeortsdottir, (MKA Michelle Wetmore), 1400 Rogue River Hwy #4, Grants Pass, OR 97527, (541) 956-1682,

Feast questions: HL Felicity of the TrueLayne, (MKA Becky Perkins), (541) 830-6850, (please put Eggburts in the subject line or it may be deleted)

Site info: The event will be held at the Rogue River Community Center, 132 Broadway, Rogue River, OR 97537.COMPLETELY DRY SITE. Site opens at 9:30AM, closes at midnight. Armor checks/lists begin at 9:30AM, Tourney to begin at 11AM, feast begins at 6PM.

Fees: Event- $8.00, children 7-12- $4, under 7 free. No feast-$4. There will be a surcharge of $3 for non-members. Make checks payable to SCA,Inc, Shire of Myrtleholt.
Directions: from North- Take I-5 to exit 48 RR, at stop make left onto Depot St. Follow Depot to E Main, turn right, turn left onto Broadway. Site is just past Ace Hardware on the right.

from South- Take I-5 to exit 48 RR, at the stop sign make a right turn. Directions are then the same as from the North.

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