Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Andronikos Belisariou
Date: July 13 , 2012 until July, 15 2012
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 13th 2012
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on July 15th 2012
Event site:
Dragons’ Den Farms
23205 NE Mountain Top Rd.
Newberg, OR 97132
Welcome one and all to our first Championship Tournament!
We will be having, in addition to our Heavy, Archery and Youth
Championships, a tavern brawl, contests of skill and dexterity, and
many other events! Two – count them TWO A&S contests!
Equestrian events and demonstrations!
Join us for the fun and adventures at Dragons Den Farms!
Gate Fees
$15.00 (+$5.00 NMS)
$10.00 (+$5.00 NMS)
Minor Day
Equestrian Fee $0 or $10.00 – Please go to
http://shadowdragonne.wix.com/dmct2012 for the Equestrian Pre-Reg
Merchant Fee $15.00
Make checks payable to : SCA, Inc, Shire of Dragons Mist
Merchants must contact the Merchant-o-crat prior to June 30th, 2012
for space reservations. Site fee and Merchant fee are separate
Those wishing to bring their own horses for equestrian activities
must contact Dame Macha prior to June 25th, 2012 to make
arrangements for boarding.
Please mail the Merchant or Equestrian fees to:
C/O Barony of Dragons Mist
PO Box 1471
Hillsboro Or, 97123
Site opens 9:00am Friday for merchants, 10:00am for general
admission and closes 7:00pm Sunday
Event Steward:
Andronikos Belisariou
Phone: (971) 248-0321, Before 9pm please, if no answer leave
detailed message
Email: andronikosbelisariou@gmail.com
Brigitta Riegers
Email: brigittariegers-AT-gmail dot com
Equestrian Marshal in Charge:
Dame Macha of Mountains Edge (known as the Determined)
Email: macha AT dragonsden DoT com
Phone: (503) 925-5280, Before 9pm Please be sure to leave detailed
PLEASE NOTE: As we will be having an Equestrian Demo, everyone
attending the event will need to sign an equestrian waiver! If you
are bringing minors who are not your child, they MUST have an
equestrian waiver signed by their parent or
guardian WITH THEM. Thank you for
This page for event id 5771 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy