Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Andrew McClaine
Date: May 19 , 2007
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 19th 2007
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Fort Lewis
Bldg 2272 Ligatte Ave
Ft. Lewis, WA 98433
Conflicting with May Crown with permission from TRM.
Greeting unto the kingdom of An Tir
Do I Andrew McClaine bring you news of a wounderful event that is to take place on Saturday the 19th of May. It is time again to show the wounderful Troops that support the Imperial military and thier famialies by putting on our annual ARM FORCES DAY DEMO and WAR. Yes please all who are not going to may crown are invited to come and play with us this day and enjoy a little WAR or a little tourny(depending on how many people we get) This event last year had 4000 people come thru in the day, and all had fun that day Helping to educated and show the community what we are all about. Bring your armour, bring your day shades, and YES a Merchant or two would not be a bad thing either. Merchants please contact me off list, the base has a price range that we are to Charge you to be thier. The site will open at 10am and end at 5pm. Please be on the site and off loaded by 9:30am so you may get parked and ready. The base will provide us with a free lunch but thier are also Lots of good food vendors as well that are run by the Base personal to help support famaliy activities with in the FT Lewis Community. THIS EVENT HAS NO SITE FEE and WE PERSONALY ARE NOT CHARGING A MERCHANT FEE.
So please come play and enjoy a day of good fun and enjoy supporting the imperal army and let them know we all care.
I remain Yis
Lord Andrew McClaine Seneschal/ Autocrat
This page for event id 4701 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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