Date: June 20 , 2015
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 20th 2015
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
G.O. Phippeny Park
827 North 8th Street
Coeur D'Alene, ID 83814
The Canton of Silverhart would like
to invite one and all to our Summer tournament event to select the
2015 Defender of the Hart through challenges of games and
Defender of the Hart will be on: June 20th 2015
Where: G.O. Phippeny Park aka. 7th street park in Coeur
When: Gate opens at 9:00am we will begin setting up demonstration
space at 8:30am.
Site Fee: 7$ there will be a 5$ non member
Children 17 and under free waivers will have to be
Be courteous of the neighbors as the event is in the heart of the
For Parking you will most likely have to drop off gear and then
park vehicle and walk back to the Park itself.
There is a Car Show downtown just 4 blocks from the park which will
increase the foot traffic and parking issues. The benefit of this
will be that we can draw in a large number of people that want to
look at what we are doing.
As in years past the overall defender will be chosen from the
person who does the best at the championship events. The more you
enter the more chance you have to win. Winner gets a nifty chest
full of goodies as well as the adoration of all.
Heavy fighting
This year we will be holding a Y.A.C. (Youth Armored Combat)
Tournament to select a Champion.
The Canton has decided to set up a series of tents and booths in
which we will place all of the aspects of SCA life and what makes
each of us keep coming.
We are looking for people that are willing to demonstrate their
skills on the site as well as setup tables to simply show
Examples include Weaving, Dyeing, illumination, Lampwork Beading,
Chainmail, Embroidery, Leatherworking, Armor Making, Woodwork,
Merchants: We would welcome
anyone that wishes to join us. This is a city park and the city has
a fee for setting up a sales booth. you have to go to parks and
recreation to fill out paperwork and pay fees the week before the
event. When I asked she said it was 25$ for non food
9:00 Gate Opens, The demo areas and display areas will be open as
we can get the shades up. Need volunteers for Gate and other
10:00 YAC Inspection Tournament to follow
11:00: Heavy armor and Rapier inspection, fighting to
11:00: A&S opens, bring your entries for a populace choice
11:30:Dancing in the Gazebo area
1:00: Games open
1:00: Bardic Competition
3:00: A&S closes
3:30 Competition wrap up and point tally for Overall
4:00:Court opens
5:00: BBQ Potluck after Court Site tokens will need to be displayed
for BBQ.
Canton is supplying Hamburgers, Hotdogs, and Buns
Populace will supply, sides, relish trays, or a dessert Please plan
on enough for 10 people
A-M Bring a Side dish
N-S Bring Relish Tray
T-Z Bring Dessert
Please bring your own beverage bring a chair or blankets to sit on.
Feast gear for your family
Public park! Please…Pack it in…Pack it out .
*Note cards an sharpies will be available for you to list
ingredients for allergy purposes.
6:30 Site cleanup, Park closes at 10pm
Times subject to change
Update as of June 12: We
are still in need of tables, chair, Dayshades.
This page for event id 6279 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has not completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy