Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Seamus Mac an tSaoi
Date: June 22 , 2007 until June, 24 2007
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 22th 2007
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 24th 2007
Event site:
Bumblebee Meadows 5
Forest Road 209.
Kingston, ID
Greetings good gentles all. The Canton of Silverhart invites you to please join us in our annual competition to be named "Defender of the Hart." There will be Heavy and Rapier combat, Archery, A&S, Games, and Bardic contests. There will also be Jr divisions for A&S and Archery. The overall champion is determined by participation in multiple events. So join in and compete in several! All conflicts allowed. Due to the change in fees at Farragut part, we will not be using that site. Site has been changed to Bumblebee meadows, Coeur d'Alene River, Shoshone County. Same site as the past couple Defenders and Border War. Site fees: $11.00 Adult ($3 DISCOUNT for SCA members), $5.00 Young Persons (under 16), 5 and under are free. There are no separate Merchant fees.
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