Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Coinneach mac Dhomhnuill
Date: June 9 , 2006 until June, 11 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 9th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 11th 2006
Event site:
Bumblebee Meadows 5
Forest Road 209.
Kingston, ID
Defender of the Hart V
Canton of Silverhart
June 9-11 2006
Bumblebee Meadows, Kingston Idaho
The Canton of Silverhart is once again looking for its champions. There will be competition in Archery, Bardic, Games, Arts and Sciences, Rapier and Heavy Weapons. A champion will be chosen for each area of competition with an overall champion chosen through accumulation of points gained from each area of participation. Can you do the Marathon? Participate in all areas of competition and be among the elite few to do the endurance test. There will also be activities for children, and parents are encouraged to come and let their children have some fun. This is an opportunity for the kids to participate, not a baby-sitting service. A potluck feast honoring our new and outgoing champions and to celebrate Silverharts fifth year will follow Court. Turkey and bread will be provided by the canton, people who have last name ending in A-M are asked to bring a side dish and letters N-Z are asked to bring a dessert. This will be an informal feast.
AUTOCRAT: Coinneach mac Dhomhnuill (mka: Joe Johnson), PO Box 294
Smelterville ID 83868 (208) 783-0276, lord_coinneach@hotmail.com
SITE INFO: Site is Bumblebee Meadows in Kingston Idaho (no address).
Site opens at noon on Friday, closes at 3:00pm on Sunday. Site Fees:
$11.00 Adult ($3 discount for SCA members), $5.00 Young Persons (under
16). Make checks payable to: SCA Inc. Barony of Wealdsmere
Directions: Take I-90 to Kingston Idaho Exit #43. Go North on Forest
Road #9 for apprx. 5.4 miles. Turn left/west on Forest Rd. #209 and
proceed for 3 miles to Bumblebee Meadows on the left side of the road.
Do not go to Bumblebee Campground on the right (no room to fight); SCA
signs will be posted once you’re on the Forest Road. This site has no
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