Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Margret Elwald
Date: November 14 , 2008 until November, 16 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 14th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on November 16th 2008
Event site:
Camp Lyle McLoed
800 NETwin Lakes Rd.
Tahuya, WA 98588
Welcome to the AnTir Culinary Symposium
We are very excited to have teachers coming from all over the
known world as well as some amazing teachers from all over
Antir. Among other things we will be having at least 3
presentations of Oxford papers regarding hisorical food, and
lots of great hands on classes of all kinds.
You can find further information on our shiny new
website here: http://www.dragonslaire.org/culinarysymposium
There are still day spots available! If you plan to come for
the day, please still let us know so we can plan for enough
food for breakfast, lunch and dinner (or if you’ll only be
there for some of the meals).
Money for sleeping space reservations was Due August First.
If there are any spaces left available we will post something
here. Please note that the sleeping spaces available at this
point are most likely not heated. We also have a crash-o-crat
organizing crash space with local SCA households if you might
prefer that option. You can reach Mistress Gwen about crash
space here:
There is also a local hotel, you can contact them at:
For those who like to RV, there is also a year-round
RV Park located
at Belfair State
Park, located approximately 10-15 minutes from the
Culinary Symposium site location.
Please consider car pooling as much as possible. There is
parking on site, but we want to be sure to have parking for
everyone so we’re asking everyone to ride share as much as
possible. Please let me know if you would like assistance
finding ride buddies.
Schedule to be posted once confirmed
Classes currently offered:
An overview of Viking cooking tools (hands on over the
Ancient Roman Cuisine
Dining with the Sultan: A Peek at Ottoman Food (lecture)
Dining with the Sultan: A Taste of Ottoman Food (hands &
mouth on)
Dutch Oven Cooking
Feast Management from Concept to Table
Feast planning out of the kitchen
Fire maintenance for period cooking
French Food in the Renaissance
Hearth Baking
Late Period Scottish Food
Late Period Spanish Food
Matre di’ 101 (hands on)
Matre di’ 101 (lecture)
Medieval Pottery, Form and Function
Medieval Vegetarian Food
Middle Eastern foods
Period Varieties of Veggies/Fruits
Presentation – The Blythesome Bridal and the Meal Within
Presentation – Who put the leeks in cock-a-leekie soup?
Presentation- Italian?
Recreating Viking bread from the archeological record (using
all period tools if I can swing it)
Recreating Viking Cooking (from a research perspective)
Redacting from Period Sources / Finding and Using Period
Simple Camp Cooking / Eating Medievally While Camping
Stone Grain Grinding
The Alchemy of Food
Tourney Cooking
Viking Dairy Products (hands on making cheese/skyr)
Welsh Food
If you have any questions, needs or concerns the autocrats/
event stewards can be reached at foodiejoy@gmail.com
This page for event id 4958 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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