Champion’s Tourney


Hosted by Device of Stromgard

The Barony of Stromgard (Vancouver, WA)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Staton MacLlyr
Date: June 16 , 2006 until June, 18 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 16th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 18th 2006

Event site:
Skamania County Fairgrounds
650 SW Rock Creek Drive Stevenson, WA 98648

Champion’s Tournament, Barony of Stromgard

DATE: June 16-18, 2006. Site opens 2:00 p.m. Friday, and closes 5:00 p.m. Sunday.

The time has once again come for the Barony of Stromgard to choose her Champions. Heavy, Rapier, Thrown Weapons and Youth Champions will be decided, so come join Raul and Amice, Baron and Baroness of Stromgard, and cheer on the competitors. If you plan on competing in one of the Championships, a Letter of Intent is required to be presented in Opening Court to Their Excellencies. In addition, there will be many other activities, including a fine potluck feast in a feast hall, and an open bardic Saturday evening.

For the potluck feast, the Barony will be supplying a meat dish, please bring a dish to serve 10 by mundane last name: A-C: Breads and Salads; D-H: Main Dishes G-N: Side Dishes; O-Z: Deserts. Also please bring beverages of your choice (site is discreetly wet, period containers only).

SITE: Skamania County Fairgrounds, Rock Creek Drive, Stevenson, WA. 98648. The site is located in heart of the beautiful Columbia River Gorge, about 30 miles east of Portland, OR, on the Washington State side of the river. The site also has permanent restrooms, electricity, plenty of water, and pay showers. The tourney field is level and flat, and we will have areas set aside for period camps, non-period camps, and RV’s (sorry, no hookups). There is little shade, however.

AUTOCRAT: Lord Stanton MacLlyr (John Deschner). E-mail is best way to contact,, or at 360-834-5186 (No calls after 9:00 p.m. please)

FEES: Adult: $12.00 (Non-member adults add $3.00 surcharge) Youth (12-18): $6.00 Children (under 12): Free Make checks payable to: “The Barony of Stromgard, SCA, Inc.” 

 There is a river on site and no lifeguard will be present, so please watch your children carefully. There is a swimming area, so plan accordingly

For more information and to preregister, see

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