Celtic Revolt / Baronial Champions / Newcomers


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Caieth of Umber
Date: May 27 , 2011 until May, 30 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 27th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on May 30th 2011

Event site:
Schloss Blumenwald
6325 Hwy 291 Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026

Legend of Cú Chulainn”

Almost 2000 years ago, a Hero arose among the men of
Ulster.  His Ferocity
and Skill at Arms would earn him the name of “The Irish
Achilles”.  This
Memorial Day Weekend, come and walk in the steps of Setanta, He who
would come to be known as Cú Chulainn, the Hound of


As in the previous 2 years, Wealdsmere is proud to

the Hospitality of HL Sgt. Michael of Lancaster on his private
property in Northwest Spokane County. There is a massive two-story
Tower for both Heavy and Rapier to play with, with a new series of
walls for your Siege Enjoyment.  Even better, there is a HUGE
piece of land adjacent to the property that belongs to the
Department of Natural Resources and is available for our
use.  And who knows
what new improvements will be made to the ever expanding Fortress
Complex?  Baron Caieth
will be doing the fight-o-crating based on Irish History –
come learn something while you whack your


for Arts and Sciences Championship


Our A&S Champion, Lady Aerngaldra, would like to
ensure written documentation is provided; bibliographies are a
definite plus. One excellent, well crafted and documented entry is
better that multiple entries without references.  There will
also be a verbal presentation of the entries by the
candidates, as it is important to be able to tell people about what
you did, how you did it, and why, etc.  Items cannot have
been entered into a previous Barony of Wealdsmere Championship or
won a prize at any prior competition. 

Champions are required to swear an oath to the Baron and Baroness
of Wealdsmere and must help the Wealdsmere A & S Minister
prepare and attend the next years Championship competition.
 Our Gracious Champion would also like to invite the populace
to attend the following classes:

“Intro To Weaving” : Instructor – Lady Aerngaldra Hrafnskald
 Time –
Saturday 12:30, approx 1- 1.5 hrs

Have you ever been curious to know how a loom works, or how fabric
made? Not sure what all those parts are? In this class you will
the basics of what a loom is, how the parts work, its role in
and the SCA period, and some general information about types of
and how they are made. A few different looms will be on hand
people to play and experiment with. There is no charge for this
handouts will be provided


Hands-on Demo – “Making Wool Felt Yardage via Wet Felting” –
Instructor – Lady Aerngaldra Hrafnskald – Saturday 3
pm,  Time 1.5 hrs

With the price of wool felt yardage being enough to make you faint
shock, why not learn to make your own? This demo will show you
relatively easy way to make small to medium quantities of wool
fabric with easily acquired items. Be prepared/dressed to possibly
slightly wet and/or soapy. There is no fee for this demo, and
participation is heartily welcomed and encouraged!


Site opens at
3:00 pm Friday, and closes at 12:00 pm Monday.   Site
fees:  Weekend – Adults 16 and up, $12, Youth 10 –
15, $8, Child  6- 9, $6, 5 and under free.  Day –
Adults 16 and up, $6.00, Youth 10 -15 $4, child 6-9, $3.  Non
Member surcharge applies.  Make checks payable to Barony of
Wealdsmere, SCA, Inc.

– Baron Sir Caieth of Umber, sircaieth@gmail.com


property – Please adhere rules posted on site, they are basic
courtesy and common sense. 

Privies on site. 

Please bring
drinking water (potable water available)

Pack out ALL

Pets allowed
on leash (clean up a MUST!)


This page for event id 5549 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
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