Birthday Bash


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Bastian Eisengart
Date: March 31 , 2012
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 31th 2012
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Northwest Youth Corps
2621 Augusta Street Eugene, OR 97403

Come join
the Barony of Adiantum in revelry and merriment for its Birthday
Bash on March 31, 2012. 

At this
lighthearted and whimsical event, you can expect to play games both
period and modern, partake in a potluck dinner, and enjoy good
company with good friends.  


The event
with donations accepted for those who feel so

Site opens
at 10 AM and closes at 8 PM.

The site is
dry, service animals only.

Stewards are Bastian Eisengart (M.K.A. Jedediah Tressler,
and Petronia Casta (M.K.A. Lorien Haigh,,

Both can be
reached at
1710 Northview Blvd, Apt 14, Eugene, OR
97405, telephone


Schedule of Events and Activities

10:30     Morning Announcements

Fish Pinning starts

Scribal Table opens

11:00     Minotaur’s Maze 

Bread making Class

11:30     Piñata

1:00        Dance Classes

1:30        Dance Classes

2:00        Poetry Slam

2:30        Poetry Slam

3:00        Cake

3:30        Cake

Herring Parade

Scribal Table Closes

4:00        Court

4:30        Court

5:00        Ball/Pot Luck

5:30        Ball/Pot Luck

6:00        Ball/Pot Luck

6:30        Ball/Pot Luck

7:00        Ball/Pot Luck

7:30        Ball/Pot Luck


Description of Activities (In order of

Fish Pinning

Based on the French tradition of Le Poisson d’Avril (Literally
Translated April Fish) we invite our guests to take part in a game
of sleight of hand, intrigue and general silly sneakiness.
  Those wishing to participate will receive clothing safe
pin on paper fish.  The goal of the game is simple to mark
other guests as the Fool (or Fish) by pinning on the fish without
them noticing.


Minotaur’s Maze

A simple maze will be taped to the ground.  In the center
will be the Minotaur’s Treasure, guarded by the dreaded Minotaur
itself (Played by a blind folded participant).  Four brave
adventurers will try to navigate the maze and avoid the Minotaur’s
touch while hampered by the bells they must carry with them. 
Hilarity will ensue.


Bread Making Class

Come learn the basics of making simple cottage bread. 
Loafs will be baked on site and served as part of the potluck.



It’s a piñata, were going to hit it with sticks until it
spills its delicious innards.


Dance Classes

Come learn the steps for the evening’s ball.   All
skill levels welcome and encouraged.


Poetry Slam

From Marfa Porkhovskaya the Adiantum Bardic Champion

Your Bardic Champion hereby announces that the Adiantum Birthday
Bash will feature the first and hopefully not the
last Anachronistic Poetry Slam. Members of
the barony who have the inclination to try their hand at verse will
read or recite their writings for the entertainment of the

There will be modest prizes, with categories to include at least
best overall, audience favorite and Baroness’ (or Baron’s)

Judging: There will be two individual judges to rate people on
the quality of the entry as poetry, including fidelity to style
that was used in the period, and the degree to which the entry
incorporates period and/or SCA themes. The audience will be given
slips of paper and asked to rate entries on their entertainment

  • Documentation: Not required. A modest amount of appropriate
    documentation will likely result in additional points for fidelity
    to style. If an entry is based on a particular piece of period
    literature, having a copy of that would be helpful to the

Generally the author will read or recite his or her own work,
but they can have someone else do so if they do not want to face an
audience, or performance requires skills (e.g. singing) they don’t

Entries may be brought to the event or written on the spot.

A person may submit more than one entry, preferably not too
similar to each other.

Time permitting, performance of actual pieces written by period
authors may be included, and a prize awarded for the best
presentation, but these presentations will not be judged against
original work. Presenters will indicate whether work is
original or just a performance.
I will have handouts and books at the event that can be used by
people looking for inspiration.

Types of possible entries (not a complete list). Categories will
be flexible depending on the number and type of entries

  • Original poetry with a period form (e.g. sonnet) and general
    theme (e.g. love)
  • Adaptation of an existing period piece to an SCA theme.
  • Adaptation of a more recent piece to an SCA theme.
  • Poetry dealing with modern concerns using a period perspective
    and vocabulary.
  • Riddles in verse form
  • limericks
  • song lyrics
  • humor


This is supposed to be a fun activity to get the wheels
spinning, not a competition where people are scrutinized and held
up to criticism for first attempts. I hope we get lots of people


Cake Pilgrimage

A “medieval” take on a classic cake walk, we invite interested
parties to either bring a baked good to contribute or a small
monetary donation.   Participants will make their
pilgrimage in hopes of stopping on a winning site, and take home a
dessert of their choosing.


Herring Parade

Inspired by a post from Mistress Luitgard, “Lent was a great
strain on the nerves, and there was much complaint everywhere. The
ubiquitous red herring seems to have been the most hated. Young
clerks would walk in procession on Maundy Thursday dragging red
herrings on strings- they would try to step on the herring of the
man in front of them, while at the same time attempting to keep the
man behind them from stepping on theirs. ”  In order to
keep the smell down, we will be providing paper fish for
participants to parade around and do simulated fishy battle


Pot Luck Feast and Ball

To end the evening, we will be throwing a ball for the enjoyment
of both dancers and spectators.  During the ball, we invite
everyone to bring a dish to share.  Breaks will be taken
between sets to give the dancers time to replenish their stores at
the buffet table.


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