Baron Dyon’s Memorial Tourney (Baron’s Ball)


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Desdamona Dacre
Date: October 6 , 2006 until October, 8 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 6th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on October 8th 2006

Event site:
Sacajawea State Park
2503 Sacajawea Park Rd. Pasco, WA 99301

Greetings unto the People of An Tir. It is once again time for Baron Dyon’s Annual Tournament.

We will again be holding a three day camp out event this year.  October 6-7-8, 2006.  Site opens at Noon on Friday and closes at 4pm on Sunday.


Joining us this year is Folk Singer and Songwriter Heather Alexander.  She will be on site to entertain us with her talents. If you haven`t heard her yet, come and join us. If you have heard her come and sing along.  She will also be setting up a table to sell her cds. The concert will begin at 9:30 p.m. on Saturday night.

There will be a Bardic Circle set up both on Friday night and Saturday night.
The Spitting Duck Tavern will be open for games.


We will begin Friday night with a heavy fighters torchlight tournament.  Saturday we will be having the Rose Rapier Tournament that will be held aboard ship this year and Heavy War Scenarios.  We will also entertain you with the Jr and Sr boffer fighters on Sunday.  There will also be a Wack-A-Knight War, where the Boffer children will be fighting the Heavy Fighters. So come one come all to join in the youths activities.

The Torchlight tournament will begin at 10:00pm on Friday night.  The Boffer  tournament will begin at 10:00am on Saturday and the Heavy fighting will begin at Noon on Saturday. Of course Lists will be open before hand. 🙂

The Rose Rapier tournament will begin at 10 A.M. on Sunday morning. The Wack-A-Knight War to follow after.

We will also be hosting a Thrown weapons area for those intersted in
these. HL Baccus will be setting up again this year.


This is once again time for the A & S Championship for the Barony.  So bring what you have been working on thru the year and join us for the competition. Please feel free to contact Lady Desdamona with your submissions. This will make it easier to set up the appropriate judges. You can reach me at  . I will email you the rules and guidelines at that time.

 We will also be holding our Bardic Championship for the Barony.  Come entertain us with your talents.

Joining us on site will be several Laurels who are specializing in the A & S side of the SCA.  They will be onsite with several different things to do.  Feel free to come talk to them.  It will be open to everyone who is interested.


This year there will be a couple of contests to charm and entertain the populace.
So bring your hunting caps and your abilities to both hide and find things.

Her Excellency Baroness Rowena will be sponsoring a Siege Cooking Contest.  Bring your cooking talents and join in the fun.

HL Luaithrenn the Falconer`s Wife will be Sponsoring a “Hide That Ugly Mundane Thingy”
contest. Use your creativity to hide those items that you just have to have but
are not period.  No documentation is required.  All that`s needed to enter this contest is an
ugly mundane thingy and your own imagination!  All entries will be based on
creativity, appearance, and workmanship, in that order.

During feast there will be a Table Decoration Contest to be judged by the winners
of our Jr. and Sr. winners of the pied piper contest. The only requirement is that it is
period decorations. Any persona will do.
There is not any specific theme to the contest, as there really were not decorations on the tables at the time period. By period decorations, Feast gear that resembles the time period. Example, Wooden or metal plates, tankards or period glasses, flatware, napkins, candles, etc. This is just a fun little thing to do, so please enjoy and have fun using your decorations and wares that you have collected.
The tables will either be ones that you bring yourself or the picnic tables supplied by the park.
A prize will be awarded at feast to the winner.

Lord Morgann and Lady Caterina will be hosting a bunny hunt. A prize will be awarded afterwards. 

Don Black Jack Tyler will also be wanting to hear your best excuse to not pay his taxes. 🙂



The Barony is hosting a potluck feast.
We will also be holding a Dessert Auction. Any dessert is welcome to enter the Auction.
The entrant will present the dessert to the bidder who wins. The proceeds from the auction
will go towards the castle trailer and baronial trailer travel funds.

Feast Contributions:

Mundane Last name A-F  Fruit or Vegtables
                            G-L  Main Dish
                           M-R  Bread or Cheese
                          S-Z  Soup or Salads


This is a large site that will hold many tents and Rv’s. However, this is a self contained site only.  There will also be our castle set up.  Cannons and Black powder guns are allowed on site.  Blanks only.  Fire pits are also allowed if contained and off the ground at least 18 inches.  This site is also a descreet wet site.  Drumming will also be allowed. 

Pets are allowed on site, MUST BE ON LEASHES AT ALL TIMES.  Must be cleaned up after immediatly.

Please be aware that this a site that is near water.  Please keep a sharp eye on your smalls. Due to this hazard we ask that all children be accompanied by an adult, especially beginning at dusk.


Autocrat: Lady Desdamona Dacre ~(Debbie Duncan) ~3321 W. 10th Ave, Kennewick Washington 99336~(509) 750-3615

 Merchantcrat: Honorable Lord Gusir Asbjornsson ~(Gus Crocker) ~ ~ 525 W. 2nd, Waitsburg, WA 99361 ~ (509) 337-6422    


There is not a merchant fee. Only a donation to the Barony’s Treasure Chest and regular site fees. The merchants attending will be lining the eric and able to view all of the days fighting activities.

Site Fees

Adults are $12.00 with a $3.00 NMS. Children under 15 are $6.00. Children under 5 are free. There will be a family cap of $30.00. Please make checks payable to The Barony of Wastekeep, SCA. Inc.

All Site Tokens must be worn and visible at ALL times.


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