Avacal Investiture


Event Summary

Date: February 14 , 2014 until February, 15 2014
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 14th 2014
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on February 15th 2014

Event site:
Alberta Avenue Community Centre
9210 118 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5G 0N2

Avacal!  The Barony of Borealis welcomes you to witness the
ascension of Our Tanist and Tanista to the Griffon Thrones!! 
Witness the prowess of our Rapier fighters and the skill of our
artisans as they each compete for the Championships of Rapier and
Arts & Sciences.


Pre-registration is Now open until February 10, 2014.

There are 100
feast seats available on a first come first basis.  *****THE
FEAST IS FULL, please check in at gate at 4:15pm for


pre-register for feast please email HE Divera della Cava at

Please ensure
you list in subject line: 2014 Investiture

no other forums will be accepted for pre-registration  ie:
 Facebook, text message or mail)


required is:


Mundane Names (first and last)

SCA Name (first and last)


Identify if:  Adult, Youth or Child)

Please indicate membership:   blue
card, white card or non-member

(you are more than welcome to pre-reg as a

Membership number and expiry date (if

There is NO pre-payment necessary, payment will be taken when
checking in at Gate, no sooner.


Site Fee: $15 Adults; $10 10 – 16 year olds; Children
under 10 are Free    ****A $5.00 NMS applies to all
adults who do not have proof of Membership.****

Feast Fee: $10 (limited to 100)There will be a reserved seating
plan.  Only those who have paid in full will be able to list
their names on the seating plan. 

If Gate has not received your feast payment, you do NOT have a
seat reserved.
All *unpaid* pre-registrations are forfeited at 16:00.

Please make cheques payable to: SCA Barony of



6pm-8pm Archery Practice (address below)
7pm – 11pm Set Up and Meet &


Saturday:   (subject to change)

8:30am – Archery Inspecitions (address

9:00am – A&S Competition
registration & set up
9:00am – Pelican’s Council
9:45 am – Judge’s meeting
9:30 am – A&S Competition registration ends
10:00am – A&S Competition begins
10:00am – Squire’s Tournament Lists open
10:00 am – OGGS meeting
11:00am – Squire’s Tournament Begins
11:30am – Rapier Competition List opens
12:00 noon – Squire’s Tournament ends

12:00 noon — Avacal

12:30pm – Rapier List
1:00pm – Closing Court of Their Highnesses Ellias and
2:30pm – Rapier Competition begins

3:00pm – Chivalry Council
5:00pm – A&S Competition ends
5:00pm – Laurel’s Council

5:30 pm – Rapier Competition
6:00 pm – OWS meeting
6:30pm – Feast
8:00pm – First court of the 36th Prince &
Princess of Avacal



9am-10am Noble Estate

10am – 12 Curia
12-1pm Dance
1-3pm Fight Practice & A&S Gathering


Event Steward: Maistreas Sadb ingen Thuathail

Feast Steward: TBA
Please contact Feast Steward or Event Steward with any allergy

Merchants are welcome however space is limited.  Please
contact Galeana Machiavelli (Gail Baldwin)
780-962-6547 or email creationsbygail@shaw.ca to reserve your



Wyld Archery Lanes
14805 Yellowhead trail NW (Behind Canopy West)
Range opens and Inspections begin at 0830 with 1st line at 0900. We
have till 1000 to be done there.
Cost is $5 lane fee.

* Note * There is regular practice Friday night from 1800 – 2000
for anyone in town early.
IF we have enough archers, may have a fun tourney that night. Lane
fee is still $10 for Friday night as well.

This page for event id 6089 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has not completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy