Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Freja
Date: November 24 , 2006 until November, 26 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 24th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on November 26th 2006
Event site:
South Clareview Community League
3250- 132A Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5A 3T1
.November Coronet Barony of Borealis November 24 – 26, 2006
Their Highnesses Wernar Ivarrson and Tatiana the Outspoken
invite you to join Them in the Barony of Borealis on November
25th to witness the choosing of the Heirs to the thrones of
Avacal!! Location: South Clareview Community League, 3250
– 132A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5A 3T1. There is no
overnight stay. 8:30 am Hall opens 9:00-10:30 Rapier
Inspection and Cadet Tourney Archery Tourney-off site
9:15-10:15 Laurel Council 10:15-11:15 Pelican Council
11:00-12:00 Coronet Lists open 11:00-12:30 Armour inspection
11:30-12:30 Noble Estates 12:30-3:30 Morning Court with
Invocation of the list, Coronet tourney and Immediate
Investiture of the Tanist and Tanista. 3:30-4:30 Squires
Tourney 4:45-5:45 Knights Council 6:30 Feast 8:00 Evening
Court Cost: Site: $6 Site & Feast: $16 Children: Under 12
half price/under 5 free. Note that a $4 Non-member surcharge
will be applied to all non-members attendees. Bring proof of
membership! Make cheque payable to: ASCA Barony of Borealis
Nov. Coronet tourney will be a standard double elimination
with open weapon choices. The 2 things WE REQUIRE are that 1)
the fighter have an appropriate tourney tile. (For
clarification, please contact the Principality List Mistress,
Caitlin at avacal-lists@antir.sca.org) 2)The fighter must
(and we STRONGLY encourage their Inspirations as well) have
some sort of heraldry that can be displayed. *i.e. hung on a
wall*. This does not have to be registered arms. It can be in
any form… banner, tabard, baldric, tunic etc. This does not
include shields. Note that all warriors and their
inspirations entering the Coronet lists must have proof of
membership present and have a current subscription to the
Avantgarde. The archery tournament will be held at Pipestone
Creek Archery Club between 9:00 am – 10:30 am. For archery
tournament information please contact Lady Litton at
littonspoke@lycos.com. To make reservations, ask questions
etc contact the autocrat Lady Freja (Cheryl Richardson) at
(780) 634-8660 or torgga@shawbiz.ca. For reservation for
feast, please send mundane name, SCA name, branch, member or
not (if a member, send membership number), and,
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