Autumn War – Featuring Emprise of the Black Lion


Hosted in-person by Device of Blatha An Oir

The Barony of Blatha An Oir (Tacoma-Pierce county, WA )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Sir Agmundr Glumsson
Date: September 12 , 2024 until September, 15 2024
Site opens at: 12:00 PM on September 12th 2024
Site closes at: 3:00 PM on September 15th 2024

Event site:
T90 Ranch
16641 Old Hwy 99 SE Tenino, WA 98589


The Baronies of Blatha an Oir, Madrone, Glymm Mere, and Wyewood invite you to attend Autumn War – featuring Emprise of the Black Lion (a collaborative event) Sept. 12-15th.

Lots of changes this year and more information will be added as soon as possible.

  • Heavy and Rapier War Scenarios and Tournaments
  • Equestrian Activities
  • A&S Activities
  • Archery (room for a York Round)
  • Thrown weapons
  • Family Activities
  • Merchants
  • 120 RV spots with power and water (separate fee)
  • Easy access to town (6 min)

Notice – All Attendees will be required to sign the Onsite Waiver. Due to having horses onsite, the waiver will be combined non member/horse waiver

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - King
Royal Presence - Queen
Royal Presence - Heirs
Royal Presence - Summits
Accepts PayPal
Has Merchants
Has Classes
Offers Youth & Family activities
Has Heavy Fighting activities
Has Rapier and/or Cut & Thrust activities
Has Equestrian activities
Has Archery activities
Has Thrown Weapon activities
Has Bardic activities
Has Arts & Sciences activities
Allows pets (check for details)

See this event on Facebook

Add all events from Blatha An Oir to your personal calendar (ical format)

Map Unavailable

Registration Information

Pre Registration is closed


Site Fees

Fee TypeCost*
Adult Full Event$40
Adult Day Trip$30
Under 18Complimentary
*SCA Members will receive a $10 member discount off the cost listed above.

RV Sites with Power and Water are available for $35 per night.
Tents can access power at $20 per night.
Horse Stalls available for horses or camping at $25 per night. (PLEASE SEE HORSE STALL RULES)

Lodging Information

Horse Stall Rules:

  1. Horse stalls may be rented for $25 per night for horses or people to camp in.
  2. Both Horses and People must provide their own bedding and be sure to clean stall out by the end of the event.
  3. No Dogs are allowed to stay in the stalls.
  4. NO SMOKING, VAPING, COOKING, OPEN FLAME, or HEATERS allowed in the Stalls. This goes doubly for horses who should not be smoking anyways.
  5. People, do not feed the horses if you do not own the horses.
  6. Horses, if someone tries to feed you that isn’t from your herd, take a finger or two.
  7. Any damage done to the stalls by horses or people will be the responsibility of the person renting the stall.

Meal Information

Hafla Party at the Legion Camp in Noisy Camping
9:30/10pmish until over

Baroness Elspeth Memorial area open to all

Tournament Information

Companions of the Shattered Lance Torchlight Tournament Friday at Dusk. Full write up below.

Unbelted Tournament Saturday after War.

The Companions of the Shattered Lance humbly invites you to the Sixteenth Annual Autumn War Torchlight Prize Tournament! A martial tourney to celebrate skill-at-arms, chivalry, pageantry and heart! Bring your weapons and gauntlets and display your chivalric spirit on the Eric Friday night. Armor inspection begins at the first whisper of darkness. This year’s contest will be open to any weapons style but shields will be limited to 16 inches in any dimension. We will end the evening with a two-person single-sword relay at the barrier. So make sure you stick around to the end. Rest assured, there will be plenty of fighting for everyone! The Companions of the Shattered Lance will select The Victor of this tournament whom we believe most fully encompass those virtues of chivalry we aspire to achieve. To enter the lists your armor needs to be of a high standard and clearly represent the period of your persona. To that end, no plastic (basket hilts are fine) or modern materials may be visible. Some other items that are not permitted are, visible tape, stickers on helmets, tennis shoes, and large areas of rust on your armor. This will be strictly enforced this year, if you have any questions about what is acceptable, reach out to Phillip de Mantel (mka JasonPainter).


Welcome to the first annual hero’s unbelted tournament where the winner applies their victory to the principal they fought for that’s right this tournament is for a war point and the winner is the heavy unbelted champion of autumn war with prize to be announced. Fighters must have fought all war scenarios to be eligible. Hosted by Blatha an Oir and Sir Quaz

Youth and Family Activities

  • Rock Painting
  • Kite Making
  • Water Balloon Fight (reuseable water baloons)
  • Rag Doll making class
  • Scribal class
  • Games



4pm-5:30pm Youth Scribal



11am-1pm Doll making class

12pm Youth siege cooking ingredient pickup

3pm Youth siege cooking dish drop off


Youth Siege Cooking

Youth Siege Cooking is Returning to Autumn War for its second year. 

This year it will be run by the Youth. Rhoslyn merch Angharat with the help of Baroness Angharat verch Reynulf

We are seeking 5 teams of 4 to compete in this year’s themed Youth Siege Cooking.

The Theme will be Levantine, in honor of Blatha an Oir’s own Baron Nels Ulger i Jaren. 

Teams should come ready to cook their hearts out with the help of a supervising adult.

 Pick up will be at Noon at the Baronial Pavilion on the war field. 

 Judging will take place at 3pm, at the Baronial Pavillion on the war field. 

 The following will be the ingredients provided

 Quail, Saffron, Dates, Couscous, Garbanzo Beans ( canned), Almonds, Raisins, Lemon, Apples, Carrots, Onions, Figs, and maybe even some secret ingredients donated by others. 

The following can be brought from home and used in your encampment when cooking

Cheese, Butter, Olive Oil, Vinegar, Garlic, Spices, Sugar or Honey, and Eggs

We will accept donations of any ingredients. As we do this without a Budget, or money to help offset the costs. Please see Kira (me) to let me know if you would like to help.  We have a grand prize being donated and are welcome to other prizes in sets of 4 for the runner ups.  

Grab you partners, search the internet. Ask a parent to supervise and the only rules are. Must be 17 and under, must have a team of 4 ( up to 5 teams) and we can combine teams if needed. And must be back at the Baronial Pavilion at 3pm with Levantine Inspired Cuisine

YIS, in voice and heart 

HL, Kira Mikkeldotter 

Town Cry

Protégé to Mistress Genevieve Marie Etiennette de Montagne


Volunteer Information

Kings Guard & Queens Guard
If you have an interest in serving on retinue and/or as a guard, please contact Chris Kassler for Kings Guard or talk to Scott Stalter about being on the Queen’s guard.

Merchant Information

Merchant Map below. Click for Large Format.


Ancient Echoes
Bustle and bristle
Dark Ages Games
Embers Sidequest
Foxhaven Art Collective
Hawk’s Forge
Horse ‘n’ Round Studio
Just Imagine Needlework
Keltic Kraze
Lion’s Share Free Market
Mythica Metalworks
Nordic Trader
Persistent Tiger Design Studio
Quorum of Cute
Sidhefire Arts
Silver Wolf Trading
SkogsHammare Crafts
Tasteful Charms Studios
Temple Caffeinea
The Chocolate Lantern
The Kneadery
The WinterNight Bazaar
Thistle Hollow Enterprises
Tinker Pearce knifemaker
Vidar Leatherworks, LLP
Viking Krafts and Sable Fleur Designs
Walkingstick Designs
Wires Crossed

Classes Offered

Classes Offered at Autumn War


10AM -2PM
Wooden Spoon carving
HL Thorbjorn Inn Mikligerzki
What better addition to your kit than a spoon you’ve made yourself? Learn what wood to use and select a spoon blank to
work on with instruction and tools provided. Up to 6 students accepted. The instructor expects to be available for much of
the remainder of the weekend to aid class attendees in finishing what they start in the class.
$2 for wooden spoon blank

Knitting/Drop Spinning
Elonda Blue Haven
Free Class

Learn Byzantine Chainmaille
In this class, you’ll find out all the things you need to know in order to start enjoying this historical art form… starting with
the byzantine link! This complex looking chain is deceptively easy and as you learn the necessary steps you will also learn
about the most efficient way to open and close jump rings, what aspect ratio is and how it can affect your projects.
If you wish to participate in this class you will need to bring $10 to cover kit fee which includes two pairs of pliers and
enough jump rings the proper size to make a bracelet. Yes, you get to keep the pliers! There are only 8 kits that include
pliers for sale. Extra lesson sheets and jump rings will be available for anyone who wants more. Participating students are
encouraged to bring their own chair and work surface. Anyone who wants to listen in is welcome to do so at their leisure!

Intro to Choral Singing
Elisabeth Piper
We will sing rounds and simple part songs from period. Experience welcome, but not required.
Free Class, $5 if you want to keep the Songbook.

Intermediate Bobbin Lace
Elisabeth Piper
This class is for folk who have taken my Beginning class or have experience with Renaissance era bobbin lace.
Depending on experience level of students, we will either continue exploring patterns from my Beginning class or learn
how to set up new patterns. Bring your own materials and supplies, including graph paper.
Free Class

Missile Combat Junior Marshal Training
Missile Combat Junior Marshal Training – Want to learn about Missile Combat inspection? Want to become a Junior
Marshal? Then this is the class for you. This two-part class will train individuals in how to inspect missile combat
projectiles and bows/crossbows as well as armor inspection for Missile Combat. Participants who are SCA members and
complete both parts of the training will be eligible to get their authorization cards signed to become Missile Combat Junior
Marshals. Non-members can also take the class to learn but will not be able to get their marshal authorizations.
The first part of the class will be on Friday afternoon (see site copy for location and times) followed by hands-on
inspections Saturday morning on the war field at Missile Inspection point. (Look for the banner on the field and the
schedule for missile inspection times).
Free Class


Cheese and more Cheese and Meat
Gondul The Unwitty
Beginning cheese making. Brie and Cambenzola, formed cheeses and 18th century cheddar. The history of Tête de
Moine, or "Monk’s Head" cheese. As well as how to prep and ready to dry hang an Italian Bastirma AKA tried cured beef.
This is an all-day demo class with breaks between each of the sections.
Free Class

Intro to Bobbin Lace in the SCA
Elisabeth Piper
This is a hands-on class. We will work 16th century lace edgings. No experience required. Bring any supplies that you
already have.
Free Class

Viking Navigation
Alanus of Bunghea
History of navigation instruments and methods during the Viking Age
Free Class
Reed Basket Weaving
Jackdaw/Jack the Bard
Learn to make a simple twined basket; Participants should be able to complete a small 4-5" basket during the class.
Materials provided.

Viking Ring-Chain Ornament
HL Thorbjorn Inn Mikligerzki
Ring-chain is like the more familiar knotwork and yet distinctly different. The class will cover the qualities that distinguish
ring-chain ornament from knotwork and provide detailed instruction for identifying and developing several, typical versions
of ring-chain ornament for your own applications. Students should bring a pencil and sketch book or graph paper.
Free Class

Foraging Wild Edibles
HL Ailynn Catriona Moirea
Come take a walking tour around the site and discover the plants that the ancient peoples gathered for food. This class
will teach you how to identify many wild edible species that you can incorporate into your regular diet. Please come
prepared to walk and take field notes. Well-behaved children are welcome to join us if accompanied by a responsible
adult. Ailynn will have some samples of common "weeds" prepared for you to try. Recipes included.
Free Class

Medieval Gardening
Athelyna de Oldenfeld
Bring books, seeds, or just yourselves and let’s talk about fall planting, planning, and other activities.
Free Class

Intro to Choral Singing
Elisabeth Piper
We will sing rounds and simple part songs from period. Experience welcome, but not required.
Free Class, $5 if you want to keep the Songbook.

Pins & Needles Salon
Magistra Vittoria di Carduci
Fitting yourself can be a nightmare. Bring your uncooperative garments and get help getting the fit fixed in a non
judgemental and supportive atmosphere.
Free Class

So, you want to be a Roman…. Creating a Roman Persona
Paullus Quinctilius Barbatus
Tips and research advice on creating a persona in the classical Roman era, from the republican to the imperial periods,
both BCE and CE. This class isn’t just for beginning Roman persona creators, all experience levels are more than
Free Class

Leatherworkers Meetup/Geek Session
Rotrude Halfblind
Do you make things out of Leather? Are you interested in the what and how other people make things out of Leather? Me
too! Let’s meet up and talk about it!
Bring your projects, current or otherwise. Finished work, works in progress, hopes and plans for the future, whatever you
want to share. Shoes, belts, boxes, scabbards, crowns! If it’s made of leather, then I want to seeeeeee!
I will be bringing a mishmash of supplies and demo objects, and preaching the good news of waxed linen and rabbit skin
Come and get nerdy about animal skins with me!
Free Class

Fiber Salon
Elisabeth Piper
Bring your knitting, embroidery, lace, braiding, etc. projects and a chair. Snacks to share are optional.
Free Class

Make your own whisk broom
Melissa of Dalmatia
Learn to make your own whisk broom!! We’ll be doing the turkey wing style! You’ll receive all the materials needed to
make your own beautiful broom!

Armored Senior Marshal Q&A
Steven Desjardin
So, you want to be a senior armored marshal?
Free Class

Class offerings and scheduling may change due to unexpected circumstances. Please check in at the A&S Building (the
big one) for class registration/signup sheets. Some classes will be held at the instructor’s personal encampment spaces.
Directions will be provided.
When attending classes, if possible, please bring your own chairs.

Yours in Service
Wolfegar von Rothenburg

This page for event id 8480 was last updated: September 8, 2024
This event has completed its EIF form
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