Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Amia Turner
Date: October 20 , 2007
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 20th 2007
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Sunnyside Grange Hall #129
214 Cowlitz St. W.
Castle Rock, WA 98611
Conflict permission received.
While the
Seneschal is away the shire will play
Date – Oct
20, 2007
Another event
update (10/11/07)
There will be
a desert contest
Thank you
Lady Thyra (-;
Here are her
You can bring
ingredients or the finished/semi- finished item to the event
(I would suggest finished). I have been told the
site has a kitchen and several lovely ovens if you wish
to go that way (you make a mess, you clean it – no waiting).
Since we are so close to Samhain/Halloween/ etc. it will be
on that theme. Periodishness is preferred, but most definitly
not necessary. Creativity is the key.
This just in (10/10/07)
There will be dancing in the upstairs hall,
Also there is room outside for
the Heavies and Rapier folk if they would like to have some
“pick up” fights.
Come in out of
the weather and warm yourself by the
Join the shire
for a day of friendship, frivolity and fun.
We will have
activity tables set up for sewing, scribal, games,
There will be a
Chess Tournament
This will also be
a good day to bring your “UP’s”
Projects – maybe the ones that have not seen the light
of day for a while (-;
After dinner we
will set up an indoor friendly Bardic circle
Lunch will be
provided for a donation of $3
Feast will be
potluck, bring dish according to Mundane last name
It is requested
the members of the Shire please bring a Main or secondary
A-F Main
G-M: Vegetable
side dish
N-S: bread and/or
Please no open
flames, the LED tealights are a great
option for
glowing centerpieces.
This will be a
dry site
Smoking in
designated areas only
Gate open –
Lunch –
Tourney – 1 till finished
Potluck feast
– 6pm
Bardic circle
– 8pm
Site closes at
Autocrats –
Amia Turner (Amy Waggener) 360-448-4949 (M-F 8-3) email
– amia_turner@yahoo.com
1175 Ashland
Kalama, WA
Virginia – email
Site fee –
Nonmember fee ($3) charged where applicable. Adults (14 and
up) – $5,
Children (5-14) –
$ 2, Children under 5 free.
This page for event id 4760 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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