Hosted by
The Shire of Hauksgarðr (Hood River and Wasco Counties, OR)
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Rebecca Fletcher
Date: August 11 , 2012
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on August 11th 2012
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Cascade Locks Marine Park
355 WaNaPa Street
Cascade Locks, OR 97014
August in the Park
August 11th, 2012
8:15 am Seneschal and autocrat on site
Potluck Contributions are by SCA name (first or last):
A-I: Desserts
J-R: Side-Dishes
S-Z: Main-Dishes
Please remember that some people have food allergies so please
bring a label/card with your ingredients on it. Bring enough
food to feed your family +10 or more people.
Site fees:
Youth (6-17 years):$3
Children (under 5 years):free
$5 NMS applies for adults
Please make checks Payable to: SCA Inc., Barony of Three
Site Information:
Name: Port of Cascade Locks Marine Park Community Center
355 WaNaPa St.
Cascade Locks, OR 97014 197
HL Rebecca of Hauksgarðr (Becki Graham) 541-300-9980
Lady Enid Brittanica of Hauksgarðr (Rowen Prowett)
This page for event id 5790 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy