Date: November 9 , 2013
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 9th 2013
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Waitsburg Elementry School Gym
184 Academy
Waitsburg, WA 99361
The Canton of Akornebir invites you to a day of fencing,
feasting, and frivolity! It is time to decide the new defenders of
the Canton for Rapier and Arts & Sciences! This year’s “As You
Like It” will feature a “tavern” brawl, tournaments, and — weather
permitting — melees in rapier with prizes awarded for chivalry and
skulduggery. A&S will be populace choice with presentations
during feast. Feast will be potluck, with main dishes and pie
provided by the Canton. Please bring a side dish to feed eight to
ten people. Site is DRY.
$12/adult (17+)
$6/youth (6-16)
children under 5 are free.
$5 NMS fee applies. Make checks payable to Canton of Akornebir,
SCA Inc.
Site opens at 10a.m.
Rapier armor inspection at 11:00a.m.
Rapier to commence at 11:30a.m.
A&S entries welcomed, 11:00a.m. —
Norse Wireweaving with Mistress Marcia
Monthey, 1 — 2:30p.m.
From Mistress Marcia: “I can take 6 people in the
Viking Wire Weaving Class. The cost is $2.00 (please bring the
exact amount) and you get a handout and a dowel to work with. The
class will only teach the technique, there won’t be time enough to
make a finished item. All students need to bring a small wire
cutter and a smooth faced small pliers. I will provide the starter
wire. We will discuss the various dowel and wire sizes, how to make
a draw board, and finishing techniques.”
A&S judging, 2p.m. to 4p.m.
How to Run Gate with HL Ysabella Greene, 2:45
— 4:15p.m.
From HL Ysabella:
“Want to learn how to work a gate shift for your baronial event?
Come and learn what is expected and how to fill out a gate sheet,
waivers, etc.”
A&S entry presentations and Bardic
competition (Hosted by Lady Emma Godwif during feast.
From Lady Emma: “Please be prepared to talk to the
populace about your project. It doesn’t have to be a fancy verbal
dissertation, just a few words about why you chose your project,
what you enjoyed about creating it, and
any difficulties you faced while crafting it and how you solved
them. Short, sweet, and to the point. We love to see A&S
entries and would love to hear about
Court following feast.
Site closes at 8p.m.
Event Steward: Lord James Elwic (James Stearns), 509-382-4898,
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