Arts & Feast at Chateau Talmont


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Rafaella d'Allemtejo
Date: May 10 , 2003
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 10th 2003
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Cloverleaf Building
, OR

(was scheduled for March 8, 2003)

Information updated April 2nd, 2003!

Please visit event website:

Greetings! Welcome to the Shire of Dragon’s Mist event:
Arts and Feast at Chateau de Talmont
2003 Shire of Dragon’s Mist Arts and Sciences Defendership)
Saturday, May 10, 2003
Cloverleaf Bldg, Washington Co. Fairgrounds
873 NE 34th Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97124

The year is 1378, and although the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles IV, has just died, and the land is in turmoil, the Lord and Lady of the Chateau de Talmont have graciously loaned us the use of the Great Hall in their beautiful French castle for a day of Arts and Sciences competition. In the evening they will host a most delectable feast using recipes, culinary art, and medicinal theory of the day to aid us in our enjoyment of the food. Musica Draconis, Dragon’s Mist’s choral group, will be presenting French and English songs of the period to add to your dining pleasure. Entertainers also include Chanter Joyeaux, a broken consort, and Maîtresse Giulana Benevoli, the Shire’s reknown storyteller.

A Shire moot will occur in the afternoon before the feast to announce our new Arts and Sciences Defender. Guidelines for the Shire’s Arts and Sciences Defendership can be found on the website above. We’re striving for the ambiance of 14th century France but travelers from other lands are most welcome (which is to say, if you want to wear French garb, great! otherwise, come anyway!)

The Feast: To promote the medieval virtue of hospitality, the feast will be assigned seating, of course with our own Shire twist. The Shire enjoys meeting gentles new to the Shire and new to the Society and will arrange feasters accordingly. The feast is 50-person, pre-registration only. There is NO OFFBOARD seating at the feast.

Feasters should bring: Knife, Spoon (soup spoon shape is most period), Cup/Goblet, Bowl, and Plate. A white cloth napkin is most appropriate. No candles allowed, really.
Forks would not have been used in this culture/timeperiod, challenge yourself to NOT eat with a fork. (I understand if you can’t live without one, just consider trying…)
You might prefer to bring your own chair as the folding chairs the Fairgrounds offers are limited and of varying comfort levels.
Set up for the feast will occur after the Moot and there is assigned seating (as forewarned!) so please do not “land grab”.
There will be individual namecards and it will be announced when you can find your seats and set-up.
As of late March, the feast was nearly SOLD OUT, please contact the autocrat directly for feast availability/information.

CHAIRS: Although the site has some folding chairs, PLEASE bring your own chairs for the day and/or feast, you’ll be more comfortable.
Site opens: 9am Closes: 11pm. THE SITE IS DRY (that means “no Alcohol”). Sorry, no live flame is allowed.

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