Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Halima al-Rakkasa
Date: August 8 , 2008 until August, 10 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on August 8th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on August 10th 2008
Event site:
Black Creek Halbe Hall Society
8369 North Island Highway
Black Creek, BC V9J 1H2
Ahoy, matey! Set sail for Cragmere, the
place of adventure and… treasure…?
‘Tis the season to have our bottoms scraped! Our vessels have
been sailing slower due to the barnacle growth, so we’ve
keeled our ships over on the strand for scraping. To while
away the time we must wait, we can do things like…
Site fee: adult – $15 and a donation to the
prize chest, plus the NMS of $3; minors – free
Make cheques payable to the “Shire of Cragmere”
Event Steward: HL Halima al-Rakkasa,
703-0494 or email
Visit the Shire website at http://cragmere.antir.com
for the latest details.
This page for event id 4847 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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