Hosted by
The Shire of Corvaria (Bend, Jefferson, Deschutes, & Crook Counties, OR )
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Levi
Date: April 2 , 2016
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 2th 2016
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
American Legion Post 44
704 SW 8th Street
Redmond, OR 97756
…Join Central Oregon’s Shire of Corvaria as
we Come together and celebrate All Fool’s on the 2nd of April
All Fool’s has been celebrated since the second century. Because
the weather had most likely turned fair by this time, martial
sporting events were often held. Among the most popular were
archery and quarterstaff contests (quarterstaff’s were eight-foot
poles that combatants used to “break the heads” of their
opponents). Other traditional observances for the feast included
the fools parade, where revelers disguised themselves with costumes
and masks and paraded through the town or village, demanding
entrance into homes. Not even the homes of the great and powerful
could be shut to the fools parade, and once inside, they would demand food and
drink. This is not unlike the Halloween custom of trick or
treating. All Fool’s also traditionally marked the beginning of the
spring planting season. (Diehl & Donnelly; Medieval
Celebrations, Stackpole books 2001. p 9)
This year we will have Performer’s, Food, Silly Combat, Games and
A&S Shire Championship
-People of Crorvaria and if the Summits. I Thaddeus as the current
A&S Champion have the format for the Championship to be held at
All Fools this year. On April 2nd I will choose a successor. The
Championship will be open to the populace of the Summits and the
Kingdom of An Tir. The requirements for the champion is to come to
at at least one Corvarian A&S night. The format is as follows.
I would like to see one of two styles.
First style is a period design created in anyway it takes to create
said design. With this style I would like a little documentation
showing the design as a period design. Weather you are making a
period Viking box or a Elizabethan Dress or anything in between.
The documentation would need to show the design as it was created
in that period.
The Second style is your own project done in a period method or
using period equipment. With this style I would like to see
documentation of said style. Documentation would show how they
would have created that work of art or stone carving.
I look forward to all the great submissions we will see at All
Fools!! Good luck.
The Medieval Gamer
-We will have various Games set up for all to enjoy! Every time you
play one, you get a token! (whether you win or lose). Earn the most
Tokens, and be Crowned our Medieval Gamer!
Bardic Championship
-Entertain us! Whether it be your Juggling, your voice, or a
mesmerizing tale… Let Johann know you want a performance slot and
show your stuff!!
-The Championship is an open competition (so open to those both in
and out of the shire)
The format is one to two pieces. Documentation is recommended.
Pandy Bat
-This will be a SILLY combat… Prepare to battle it out amid
giggles and cheer, so you can be our Pandy Bat Champion!
Corvaria’s Greatest Fool!
-Dress as your favorite Fool, do a skit, immortalizing your
favorite Fool… well, BE foolish!! This is the greatest of all
competitions, and the Greatest Fool will be the First recipient of
the Fool’s Trophy!
-The Sweet Surprise to Finish the Meal!! Subtleties were a way for
the chef to entertain and bewilder guests! Ohh and Aww us with your
Culinary skills!!
This will be a Potluck Feast with a Subtlety contest. A great Day
Feast event, to come be silly (Dress as your favorite fool
Mundane last name
S-Z, Meat Dish
A-H Side Dish
I-R Vegetable Dish
Subtlety’s to compete!
(Please provide labels for food dishes.) Please make dishes to
serve 6-8 people
For any question’s, detailed directions or possible lodging
arrangements contact: Johann Keck aka Sean Mueller
Adults 18 & over: $10 (additional $5 NMS applies)
Youth 13 to 17: Free
Children 12 & under: Free
Site open’s at 10am and closes at 7pm.
American Legion Ray Johnson post 44
704 SW 8th St, Redmond, Oregon 97756
This page for event id 6572 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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