Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Tamar the Serene
Date: September 11 , 2015 until September, 13 2015
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 11th 2015
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on September 13th 2015
Event site:
The Dragon’s Den Farm
23205 NE Mountain Top Rd.
Newberg, OR 97132-6406
September 11-13, 2015 Yamhill Co, OR
Join us for the 26th annual Acorn War September
11th-13th, 2015 at Dragons Den Farm in Newberg, OR.
We’ll have war scenarios and rapier dueling. Compete for the honor
of becoming a Defender in horsemanship, archery, thrown weapons,
youth combat! More war scenarios than you can shake a spear at:
village burning, bridge battles. There will be an
Acorn-in-Any-Medium contest so start getting your entry ready
now. Classes and activities for all ages including an A&S
Village, a Saturday night bardic gathering, and merchant’s row. You
are strongly encouraged to bring drinking water. Fires must be off
the ground, and attended at all times. Volunteers may choose
to participate in the Net Revenue system which will be in place at
this event.
See below for information on Net Revenue system.
See marti@dragonsden.com for Pre
Registration, Equestrian and Merchant information.
Event Stewards: Tamar the Serene (Kath
Blankenbiller), tamar-kb@comcast.net ,
(503)538-8522; Roberto Totorica (Robby Totorica) arcanggell@yahoo.com
Fees: Pre-Reg must be postmarked by 9-2-2015:
Adults – $12, Youth and children, no charge. Please list on
form. At Gate: Adults – $15, Youth and children, no charge.
Day Trip: Adult – $10, Youth and children, free. $5 NMS fee
applies to all non-member adults. Equestrians bringing horses:
Pre-registration is required for horses. NO MERCHANT FEES –
merchants must pre-register! (Individual site fee still applies).
Make checks payable to “Shire of Mountain Edge, SCA Inc.
Site opens at 12noon on Friday (10am for merchants), and closes
at 6pm on Sunday.
Site: Dragons Den Farm, 23205 NE Mountain Top
Rd., Newberg OR 97132
Directions: From I-5 : TAKE exit 278
(Donald-Aurora) Turn west at stop sign onto Ehlen Rd (toward Hwy
219). Turn right onto Hwy 219 (towards Newberg). Follow Hwy 219
through Newberg and up Chehalem Mountain (very winding, pass Bald
Peak Rd. about half way up on left) to Mountain Top Rd ( just past
the hairpin turn). Turn left on Mountain Top Rd., Go 2.1 miles
Description of Net Revenue Distribution to Volunteers at
Acorn War XXVI – 2015
The Shire of Mountain Edge wants to recognize volunteers from
the branches that help make this friendly war fun each year.
Therefore Mountain Edge will share 50% of the event net revenue
among the recorded volunteers, with the proceeds going to the
destination of their choice (their branch, the Kingdom travel
To accomplish this, volunteers will be asked to record their
hours in a manner similar to that used at large inter-Kingdom
events (most recently Gulf Wars) and the Shire will compute the
revenue sharing as follows:
Total volunteer hours divided into 50% of net revenue = $
per volunteer hour
Total of individual volunteer hours per branch/other destination
X $ per volunteer hour = $ to that branch/destination
Complete records will be available to recipient branches so that
they may choose to recognize exceptional volunteers (and we hope
they do!).
Volunteer sign up sheets will be available at gate and we will
also have area leads responsible for tracking volunteer hours
(examples: set up activities – most on Thursday September 10 when
much help is needed in the afternoon and early evening, take down
Sunday afternoon September 13, marshaling in any area including
heavy, YAC, rapier, equestrian, A&S – coordination, teaching a
class, martial activities water support, sitting at troll
(gate), equestrian ground crew, Gold Key, family
activities……….) It truly takes an army to run a
Yes, more paperwork for Mountain Edge – but an opportunity to
ensure that those who serve, sometimes invisibly, will be rewarded
for their service. Without volunteers, we can’t have events.
This page for event id 6400 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy