A message from the Rivers Pelican Council

Their Majesties wished to share this wise message with the Kingdom:

Friends, today was our regional Pelican Council meeting and we have a few things we would like the general populace to know. This post is set to Public – feel free to share. We speak only for our region, not for the Crown and not for other regions – although we believe these sentiments are universal. We hope you find this to be valuable information and we welcome your questions & feedback, please comment here or email to: pelican dot rivers at antir dot org

Kateline, Rivers Secretary

The Rivers Pelican Council’s Mission Statement:

We believe that our job is to bring individuals to the attention of the Crown for Their consideration and possible admittance to the Order. To encourage them to do what makes them happy, and to connect them to those people that can help them to achieve their goals. To encourage and guide others to do the work of the Society through direct example. We actively look for reasons to include folks and strive not to exclude anyone. We believe our duty is to do our due diligence and to present each candidate in the best possible light to the Crown and to the rest of our Order.

What you should know:

If you are working – you are on our list.

If you don’t have a peer or an advocate, ask for guidance. We are here to help you on your journey.

Service is service. It doesn’t matter that you can’t attend events outside your home branch. A lot of work is done behind the scenes keeping the Kingdom functioning. Let us know what you’re doing.

We are looking for consistency and follow through. Did you leave a job better than you found it? Are you mentoring others to take on responsibilities?

Learning to balance your modern life and your SCA workload is part of becoming a peer. Choose the work that brings you joy.

Keep a resume – even if you aren’t aspiring to become a member of the Order – it’s fun to look back and see your accomplishments.

In Case of Peerage – fill out this form and give it to a Pelican (or your Pelican) – we want your ceremony to be meaningful to you, this helps us make sure that happens. Ask any one of us and we’ll get you the document.

PLQs – Just be a decent human being. Remember that unsolicited advice is always criticism. Be kind, act with compassion and empathy in all aspects of your life. In person and online, be a good person. Be helpful. Be respectful.

It is said that being given the accolade is a recognition of who and what you already are. You have to believe that you are worthy of that recognition and act accordingly. Cultivate your presence and your bearing. Speak confidently, and with kindness. Shift from seeing yourself as the student to seeing yourself as a mentor.