The Barony of Glyn Dwfn includes the geographical area(s) of Medford, Ashland, Jackson Counties, OR which is part of the Summits region of the Kingdom.
A Barony is an area led by a Baron and/or Baroness (collectively titled "The Coronet"), who are appointed by the Crown to be Their ceremonial representative(s) in a particular area. The Kingdom of An Tir recognizes that multiple combinations of gender are possible and The Coronet may choose to use the titles Baron and/or Baroness if desired. Individually, the Coronets are addressed as "Your Excellency".
A Barony is part of a Kingdom or Principality. It may contain one or more Cantons, but not all Baronies do. It is equivalent to a province except that a province does not have a ceremonial representative.
Branch Leadership
Baron Piaras mac Toirdhealbhaigh |
Baroness Milisandia filia Willelmi filii Roberti |
Seneschal Ynés de la Cruz |
Contact Information
To find out more about what's happening in Barony of Glyn Dwfn, check out their website