Using Microsoft Teams to Create Online Meetings
Post by: Alicia du Bois in Announcements Officer Resources Technology
Microsoft Teams is part of the Kingdom’s Office 365 Communications Suite. All Branch and Kingdom Officers have access to Microsoft Teams through their Office 365 login. If you need a password reset to restore access to your account, please send a request to support@antir.org.
Any Officer (with an @antir.org or @tirrigh.org email address) may initiate a Teams meeting.
Anyone with the link may join a Teams meeting using a Web Browser. No other software or application is required to join a meeting.
To create a meeting in Teams:
- Log into your An Tir email: https://portal.microsoft.com
- Select “Teams” from the grid-of-dots menu in the upper left corner or from the home page. The Teams logo looks like this:
- You might be asked to download the Teams desktop app. This is a free download and you will not need a license for it but it is optional. If you don’t want to do this, click on “use the web app instead”.
- The Honorable Lord Morikawa Kenji Katashige has created a very thorough document with many screenshots. The document will help you set up a meeting in Teams from the meeting site itself, as well as for a completely online experience. The document also contains detailed instructions for how to join a meeting. View/download the document here.
Microsoft has published some training videos about creating and joining Teams meetings. This information is more generic but in video form. Office Support – Microsoft Teams – Manage Meetings