Updated timeline for the Baronial polling for the Barony of Wyewood
The April Crier announcement could not be updated in time for publication. Below is the updated dates and times for Wyewood’s Baronial Polling:
The Current Baron & Baroness Alarich von Thorn and Aline Swynbroke of Wyewood invite interested candidates to submit their packets by emailing the Kingdom Polling deputy, Caterine Rose d’Evreux at pollings@antir.org by by May 1, 2025.
There will be a Presentation of the Candidates during a Zoom Meet and Greet, and one in-person Meet and Greet at their Full Contact Social Meeting (May 19th- 23rd). Polling will commence May 26th at 12:01 am and will conclude at 11:59 pm on May 30th. To be eligible to participate, the Wyewood populace is encouraged to create an An Tir account during the next few weeks, as it can take a few days to have the new user accounts authenticated and approved.
Investiture will occur at June Faire