Please join us for Court at Kindom Arts, Sciences and Rapier

Their Majesties of An Tir request the presence of the following gentles in their court at Kingdom Arts, Sciences and Rapier this coming Saturday.

Summons for this weekend:

Agatha Iris
Alasdair Mac Roibert
Ancareta Morganus
Caitlin of Aquaterra
Disa i Birkilundi
Kloe of Thera
Laeriel Fayrehale
Lantani de Forez
Melody Fang
Morganus Eternus
Paullus Quinctilius Barbatus
Pelagiia Innina doch
Pompea Rufina
Reinhild Galda
Sable Bonnet
Theodora Pleutissa
Togashi Ichiro
Valerien Yaroslav

Thank you. If you cannot make this event, please message the Royal Court Coordinator, Aenor.