Online Class Roundup: Friday May 8th – Friday May 15th
Online Class Roundup: Friday May 8th – Friday May 15th
Though physically distant, gentles the world over are reaching out to generously share their knowledge and experience. With so many online classes and meetings now available in several locations, it can be overwhelming to plan your week. So here is Cunegonda to the rescue, with her handy weekly agenda!
As a quick reminder, some classes are scheduled through closed groups; you will have to join the group to participate. These offerings are constantly being updated, so be sure to check the groups and websites for schedule updates regularly. Please check the class details for connection information or materials lists.
This week we have the SCA Virtual Classroom and Artisan Display.
Ealdomere’s FOOL (Fruits of Our Labours) XIII begins on the 15th; classes require preregistration. Be sure to check out the offerings early so as not to miss out!
Sunday May 10th
Homemade Prosciutto, Part 1, 4:30 pm PST
Wednesday May 13th
Ealdormere Cooks: Pottages, 4:00 pm PST
Medieval Mathamatics, 6:00 pm PST
Friday May 15th
FOOL: Lost Wax Carving, 3:00 pm PST (Pre-Register)
FOOL: Naalbinding Round Table, 4:00 pm PST (Pre-Register)
Though it’s the following week, Artemisia’s Virtual Collegium & Display is coming up fast on the 16th. You can take a look at their Ethereal East Kingdom have a number of classes offered this week as well, as does our very own Mistress Disa i Birkilundi. For those who enjoy scribal arts, the Honourable Lady Jadwiga Radomyskowa offers occasional demonstrations and answers questions, often on Thursdays.
Friday May 8th
Medieval and Renaissance Banking, 4:00 pm PST
Basic Leather Knowledge, 4:00 pm PST
Salone di Fiesole – Bardic Presentation, 5:00 pm PST
Salone di Fiesole – Zibellino, 6:00 pm PST
Grave Voices – The History of Necromancy in Europe, 6:30 pm PST
Salone di Fiesole – Venetian Clothing 15th and 16th-Century, 7:00 pm PST
Saturday May 9th
To Blazon and Back Again, 10:00 am PST
Jershua’s Embroidery Salon, 11:00 am PST
Salone di Fiesole – Sumptuary Laws of Bologna, 6:00 am PST
Salone di Fiesole – Galenas Cold Cream: How To, 7:00 am PST
Salone di Fiesole – Toilette of Caterina Sforza, 9:00 am PST
Salone di Fiesole – Flag Fans, 10:00 am PST
Making Non-Ground Pigments, 10:00 am PST
Salone di Fiesole – 14th-century Italian Clothing, 11:00 am PST
Salone di Fiesole – Renaissance Perfumes, 11:00 am PST
Commedia dell’ Arte for the Audience, 11:00 am PST
Salone di Fiesole – Pretty Parasols for Pennies, 12:00 pm PST
Salone di Fiesole – Trotula Beauty and Hygiene, 1:00 pm PST
Intro to Middle Eastern Dance, Take 2, 3:00 pm PST
Salone di Fiesole – Italian Calligraphy Manuals, 4:00 pm PST
Salone di Fiesole – Heraldic Trestle Table, 5:00 pm PST
Sunday May 10th
Conflict Resolution for People, Not Heraldry, 11:00 am PST
EGG-travagnaza! with Maestro Eduardo, 2:00 pm EST
Monday May 11th
Introduction to Self Stuffed Buttons and Buttonholes , 4:00 pm PST
Digital Research for SCAdians Trapped Indoors 4:00 pm PST
Tuesday May 12th
Conversational Russian for Your Persona, 4:00 pm PST
Wednesday May 13th
StoryTime with Uncle T, 12:00 pm PST
History of Period Sewing Tools, 4:00 pm PST
Know Your Enemy: Understanding the Nature & Art of Your Fencing Opponent, 4:00 pm PST
Norse Wire Weaving with Mistress Disa I Birkilundi, 6:30 pm PST
Intro to 2D Art and Watercolour, 7:00 pm PST
Thursday May 14th
Intro to Bodhrán, 4:00 pm PST
Basic Sprang, 4:00 pm PST
Silent Herald/ASL Practice Session, 6:00 pm PST
Friday May 15th
Getting Good at Things, 4:00 pm PST
Creating a Japanese Kumihimo Braid, 5:00 pm PST