Message from Kingdom Protector – Tournament format
Greetings to the archery and thrown weapons communities of An Tir. At September Crown, a tournament will be held to choose my successor as Kingdom Protector.
There will be three challenges to those who vie for the Championship. The first challenge will be on the target archery field. Competitors will shoot at a variety of novelty targets in order to build up a score. The next challenge will involve thrown weapons, and will include throws of knife, axe and spear. For those competitors who need it, loaner weapons will be available. The final challenge will be on the combat archery field, and will be conducted as a standard “corridor” 1 on 1 shoot. This is done in armor with SCA legal missile combat equipment.
Each challenge course will be ranked, and those with the best overall combined rankings will advance to the finals. The format of the finals will be determined by Their Majesties at that time.
Those wishing to compete must be authorized in Missile Combat AND have an SCA membership. Please be prepared to present proof of both at the lists table.
Please feel free to forward this far and wide. If you have any questions, please message myself or the Kingdom Royal Archer, Arthur of the Green Arrow.
In service,
John de Percy
Kingdom Protector