May Crown Grand Ithra

Greetings An Tir and Noble Cousins across the Known World,

Of course, due to the ongoing pandemic, we cannot meet in person for the foreseeable future and so until we that day joyfully arrives, we will meet virtually instead.

To that end, BEHOLD! May 22-23 brings us An Tir MAY “CROWN” GRAND ITHRA, a weekend of CLASSES on subjects sure to peak the interest of everyone, SOCIAL ROOMS, themed DISCUSSION SALONS, a BARDIC circle open to performers and listeners alike

 **ROYAL COURT ** with our most long-lived and esteemed Majesties, King Christian & Queen Helene!!!

TEACHERS ARE NEEDED for every subject you can think of!! Teachers from all Kingdoms are welcome!

(All times are PDT)

Sign up here until May 1 (or so): 

CLASS SIGN UP will be available May 8th.

(All times are PDT)

A preliminary CLASS / EVENT SCHEDULE will be available May 8th.

(All times are PDT)

MODERATORS NEEDED for Classes, Salons & Bardic for both days.

If willing and able, please email HL Li Xia at: 


Event Steward: Sigriis galdrakona “GALA” Eiriksdottir, KMoAS –

Co-Conspirator: Seamus o’Ceallaigh

Event Tech Wizard & Moderator Wrangler: Li Xia –

WebMinister: Alicia du Bois

Advertising: Maire nic Shiobhan, Dustin Quinn Campbell, Renart le Fox Berwyk