From the Seneschal’s Desk: Kingdom Law has been updated.
The updated version of Kingdom Law has been published to the website. Below are the changes that have been outlined. Please reach out to the seneschal’s office if you have questions. – Attia
Kingdom Law Change: May 2022
Article I.A. The Word of the Crown now reads:
The Word of the Crown is Law. The Crown acknowledges, and is subject to, modern law, the governing documents of the Society, and the current written Laws of An Tir. The Crown shall be cognizant of the rights and privileges of its vassals and subjects by tradition, custom and usage, as well as the Society and Kingdom values of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with the goal of a healthy and safe environment for the Populace.
Article I.F. Additional Handbooks:
Inserted: 13) The An Tir Merchant Policy, covering policies and procedures for merchanting at Crown and Kingdom level events.
Article II.C Succession, Abdication, and Failure to Reign
All references to the term “prospective consort” have been changed to “inspiration”
All references to the terms “Sovereign” have been changed to “Crown”
All references to the terms “Sovereign and Consort” have been changed to “Crown”
All references to the terms “Heir and Consort” have been changed to “Heirs and Royal Heirs”
Under section 3) paragraph b the paragraph has been changed to read:
If the Royal Heirs elect to abdicate, or if the Crown Tournament is invalidated for any reason, a new Crown Tournament shall be called at the beginning of the Coronation event. This tournament shall be limited to those combatants and inspirations who competed in the previous Crown Tournament, and who presently meet the requirements to enter the Crown Lists. The previous victors may be barred from the tournament at the Crown’s discretion. The winners of this Crown Tournament shall be crowned at this event.
Under section 4) paragraph iv the paragraph has been changed to read:
If the Crown officially abdicates after The Royal Heirs have been chosen, in consultation with the Regent, the Royal Heirs may elect to immediately step into the role of Crown, foregoing or deferring a formal coronation OR the Regent may crown the Heirs at the next scheduled Coronation event.
Article II.C Paragraph 1(h) has been changed to reflect the majority age to 19 from 18.
Article III.A Officers of the Court and State paragraph 1(b) has been changed to reflect the majority age from 18 to 19
Addition of paragraph D
Be cognizant of the Society and Kingdom values of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with the goal of a healthy and safe environment for the Populace.
Article III.B Officer of Court
Addition of paragraph F
Per Kingdom Financial Policy Kingdom Champions shall be exempt from event fees at all Crown and Kingdom events.
Article III.C paragraph 3 (f) removed “Officers should” it now reads:
Attend the four Crown events each year, and report at Curia meetings.
Article III.C paragraph 4(e) Removed “in all regions per TRMs request that it is mandatory for all judges to attend this class at least once.”
Article III.C paragraph 4(f)(4) addition of …subject to the approval of the Crown.
Article III.C paragraph 5(i)(2) now reads:
The Royal Chamberlain Inventory Deputy shall: Maintain and inventory the Royal Regalia. A completed inventory form shall be signed by the Royal Chamberlain, the Crown and the Royal Heirs at each Coronation event, or as soon as possible thereafter. Maintain insurance on regalia items. Maintain a secured storage facility for regalia not currently being used.
Article III.C paragraph 5(i)(3) and (4) New paragraphs added:
The Awards Tokens Coordinator shall: Coordinate with the Crown or its representatives in order and maintain a sufficient supply of medallions and other tokens given by the Crown.
The Royal Chamberlain Regalia Deputy shall: Solicit bids for the repair or replacement of existing regalia items, or the creation of new ones. Serve on the Royal Regalia Commission.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir New paragraph added as (a)
The Crown may create new Kingdom level awards and/or modify existing Kingdom level awards during their reign. Any award that is intended to carry with it an Award of Arms or a Grant of Arms must be registered through the College of Heralds per Corpora, Section VIII B 2 & 5.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (2)(a) added “on behalf of the Crown”
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (2)(b) added:
The Principality Coronets shall request permission from the Crown at the commencement of the Crown’s reign.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (2)(c) added: “given by the Principality Coronets”
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (5)(c)(1) added: “after consultation with”
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (5)(c)(2) removed the paragraph regarding the Order of the
White Scarf. Added “This order is closed.”
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (6)(c)(d)(e)(f) added: Definitions for “Sanguine Thorn; Griffe
et du Leon; L’Esperon Et Du Leon and Sable Pheon.”
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (8)(b)(3) now reads:
The Order of the Rose: Membership to this Order is offered by the Crown to those who have completed serving a term as the member of the Crown who acted as inspiration in the Crown Tournament. Members of this order are charged with encouraging chivalric and courteous behavior among all members of the Society.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (8)(b)(4) now reads:
The Order of Valorous Estate: Membership to this order is offered by the reigning Principality Coronet to those who have completed serving a term as a member of the Principality Coronet who acted as inspiration in the Coronet Tournament. Members of this order are charged with encouraging chivalric and courteous behavior among all members of the Society.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph all references to either the Sovereign or Royal Consort now
reads as “Crown” or “the Crown.”
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (8(13) now reads:
The Iron Chain is given by the Crown for deeds of true courage and bravery in the face of personal and real danger.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (8)(15) now reads:
The Belated Rose is given by the Crown after consultation with the Orders of the Rose and the Valorous Estate for courteous and courtly behavior.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (8)(17) now reads:
The Mano d’Oro may be given by the Crown after consultation with the Minister of Arts and Sciences for significant time and service to the furtherance of the arts and sciences in the Kingdom. Only one per reign is customarily given.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (8)(21) now reads:
The Muckin’ Tall Maul is given by the Crown after consultation with the previous recipient for ferocity on the field during the Crown Lists.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (8)(27) now reads:
The Lion’s Strength is given by the Crown for consistent and significant contributions to the Kingdom for 20 years or more.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (8)(28) now reads
The Leo Minor is given by the Crown to the teens of An Tir for continued service to the Kingdom.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (8)(29) now reads
The Rath of An Tir is given by the Crown for period encampments that are pleasing to the Crown.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (8)(30) now reads
The Ordre la main de Sainte Nicholas is awarded by the Crown to those who have gone above and beyond the obligations of fealty and rank to contribute to the word fame of the Kingdom through donations of time, goods, and service in the creation of largesse, clothing for the Crown, and Kingdom regalia. Is customarily given no more than twice per reign.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (8)(36) now reads
Grace of An Tir is granted by the Crown for gracious and chivalric behavior. The symbol of the award is a fieldless apple blossom quarterly Or and argent. Much like the flower which bears fruit to enrich and sustain, so too do those members of Our populace who in deed display grace, courtesy, and chivalry above and beyond that which is expected. Recipients will be recognized for leading by example and in so doing promoting these ideals upon which the Society was founded.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir paragraph (8)(37)(38)(39(40)(41)(42)(43)(44) added the additional awards and definitions of the: Alimentum Vitae; Herth of Hospitality; Inspirational Inspiration; Lion’s Pride; Honor of the Or and Argent; Wordsmith; Courage of An Tir; Ludicrous Bowman.
Article IV.C Awards and Orders of An Tir final paragraph added:
The Crown may also choose to give personal awards, referred to as “Cyphers,” that are not registered with the College of Heralds, are not part of a formal order and are non-armigerous. Examples of such awards include, but are not limited to, Royal Favors, the King’s Sigil, the King’s Cypher, the King’s Sigil, the King’s Shield, the Royal Scribal Favor, the Spectre Leonis, the Company of the Golden Butterfly, the Royal Cypher and the Queen’s Favor.
Article V Events 2(a) now reads:
If permission is denied you may appeal the decision to the Crown. The Crown has the authority to make the final decision.
Article V Events additional paragraph 10 added:
All merchants in the Kingdom of An Tir shall abide by the current Kingdom Merchant Policy.
Article V.B Crown and Kingdom Events paragraph 2 now reads:
The Crown events shall be a minimum of two full days in duration unless a Variance is granted in advance by the Crown. All Crown Events may host a meeting of Curia, or Curia can be scheduled within a reasonable time before or after such an event as long as it is published to the Populace and attendance information, such as a web link or call-in information, is disseminated in advance. No other event may conflict with a Crown event without prior approval from the Crown.
Article V.B Crown and Kingdom Events paragraph 3 added:
In the event that real world circumstances make holding a Crown event on its original date an impossibility, and in the interests of facilitating timely succession and certainty, the Crown, in consultation with the Kingdom Financial Committee, will reschedule the Crown event to occur as soon as possible thereafter, in compliance with the restrictions dictated by modern law and regulations. The Crown is empowered to act creatively in formulating an armored combat Crown tournament format or Coronation format that complies with modern restrictions and enables a well-contested Crown, and/or formal succession to occur expediently.
Article V.B Crown and Kingdom Events paragraph 4(d):
Fall and Spring Crown Councils, at the crown’s discretion.
Article V.B Crown and Kingdom Events removed Kingdom Feast.
Article V.B Crown and Kingdom Events paragraph 4(e) now reads:
No other event may conflict with a Kingdom event within the Region or Principality where the Kingdom event is being held, without prior Crown approval.
Article V.B Crown and Kingdom Events paragraph 4(f) now reads:
No Principality level event (Coronet, Investiture) may conflict with a Kingdom event, nor may they conflict with any other Principality level events (Coronet, Investiture) in any of the Principalities of An Tir, without prior Crown approval.
Article V.B Crown and Kingdom Events paragraph 9(a) now reads:
The adult site registration fee (adult being 18 and over in the U.S. and 19 and over in Canada) will be a minimum of $25.00 unless a variance is granted in advance by the Kingdom Financial Committee. A day trip fee for a Crown or Kingdom Event may be offered but must be a minimum of $15.00 unless a variance is granted in advance by the Kingdom Financial Committee.
Article VI.A Subordinate Groups paragraph 1(c) now reads:
Enjoy the right of the Principality Coronets as vassals of the Crown, selected by combat according to the practices laid out in Principality law.
Article VI.A Subordinate Groups paragraph 3(h)(1) now reads:
Be, for the people of the Barony, the chief examples of chivalry, courtesy, and virtue; and encourage those virtues in their populace in line with the Society and Kingdom values of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with the goal of a healthy and safe environment for the Populace.
Article VI.A Subordinate Groups paragraph 3(h)(17) now reads:
At the end of three years, the Baronial Coronet may choose to step down or announce their intent to serve an additional year subject to the Crown’s prior approval. At the end of four years, if the Baronial Coronet wishes to continue to serve an additional two years, an opinion poll shall be performed to evaluate the relationship between the Baronial Coronets and their populace. The results will be referred to the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal for review. The Crown shall determine whether or not to allow the current Coronet to serve an additional two-year term.
Article VI.A Subordinate Groups paragraph 3(i)(6-7) added the word “online”
Article VI.B Other Branches and Divisions of the Kingdom paragraph 4 added the words and Viceroys
Article VI.B Other Branches and Divisions of the Kingdom paragraph 4 (e) added:
Viceroys may be appointed by the Crown to act as advisors to, and representatives of, branches when a baronial coronet abdicates or is removed by the Crown. Viceroys serve at the pleasure of the Crown with the goal of enabling the branch to eventually be in a position to be lead by Baronial Coronets once again.
Article VI.B Other Branches and Divisions of the Kingdom paragraph 4(f) added the words and Viceroys
Article VI.B Other Branches and Divisions of the Kingdom paragraph 4(m) added the words and Viceroys
Article VI.E Kingdom Committees, Guild or Companies and Other Entities paragraph 1(b)(1) now reads:
The Noble Estate may meet at Crown events and at Crown Council. The Crown may elect to hold Noble Estate meetings online instead of in-person.
Article VII.A Direct Vassals of the Crown:
Article VII.A Direct Vassals of the Crown paragraph 2 added subparagraph (d) “Principality Heirs”
Article VIII.A Conduct of Persons in An Tir paragraph 1(b) now reads:
Strive for courtesy, consideration, honor, and chivalric behavior at all times in line with the Society and Kingdom values regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with the goal of a healthy and safe environment for all participants.
Article VIII.A Conduct of Persons in An Tir paragraph 1(c) now reads:
Be familiar with, and abide by, the laws, customs, and traditions of An Tir, including, but not limited to, the Bullying and Harassment Policy.
Article VIII.A Conduct of Persons in An Tir paragraph 7(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g) now reads:
- At events in which youth participate in any way all minors, as defined by their jurisdiction, must have a legally responsible adult present at events. Legally responsible meaning the parent, legal guardian, or an authorized appointed guardian (appointed by the parent or legal guardian) of the child who is in possession of a properly executed “Medical Authorization Form for Minors,” signed by the parent or legal guardian. This Medical Authorization Form must designate an adult present at the event or activity as able to authorize medical treatment in the case of emergency.
- No policy, rule, or law relieves parents or designated adults of their primary responsibility for the welfare and behavior of their children at events and activities. It is the responsibility of the adult who brings a minor to an event to ensure that the minor is safe and not in danger.
- Family Activities Coordinators (and if applicable, YAFA Administrator) – deputies who ultimately report to the Kingdom Seneschal – must be warranted and have a current SCA membership and an approved, current and valid background check.
- All official or published SCA Youth Activities must have one background checked adult member who acts as the official “coordinator” for all SCA Youth Activities. For example, if there are 10 youth A&S classes each in their own separate classroom, each classroom needs to follow the “two-deep rule,” but only one overall youth “coordinator” responsible for all activity in all classrooms is needed. There are many activities of the SCA where informal instruction (mentoring) occurs that are open to attendance by minors, but do not constitute dedicated and/or published SCA Youth Activities. They are known by many names (e.g., Practices, Meetings, Guilds and Workshops). A minor’s attendance at an adult A&S class does not mean that class becomes an SCA Youth Activity simply because a youth is in attendance.
- The “two-deep” rule specifies that a minimum of two adults (at or above the age of legal majority in the state, province, or country in which the activity occurs) unrelated to one another by blood, marriage or personal relationship must be present. One of these two adults may also be acting as the official coordinator for the Youth Activities going on. The activity must stop if that number falls below the required two adults.
- A responsible adult must be present with children 12 and under who are participating in any scheduled or advertised activity at an SCA event. This includes classes, workshops, demonstrations, or marshal activities, regardless of whether they are Youth oriented or not.
- All parents of minors engaged in any marshal activities, even if they are not specifically youth (i.e. not Youth Combat) activities, must always follow “Parental Responsibilities as listed in the Youth Combat Handbook” in accordance with the respective the martial activity.
Article VIII.B Grievance Procedure has been removed in its entirety.
Article VIII.D Courts of Inquiry and Courts of Chivalry has been removed in its entirety.