The 12th Night Hotel released rooms prematurely and as such the room allocation is now full. I would like everyone to know, that this is not the fault of the event team and solely lies on the hotel. The event staff appreciates the kind consideration it has so far received regarding this error. Anyone found to be abusing the event team in light of this mistake by the hotel will be subject to the normal sanction process. We ask that everyone continue to treat the 12th Night team with the same respect you would treat the Crown.
The event team worked very hard to make the room allocation fair as can be.
How to get on the Wait list for an event hotel room:
Email it to 12thnight2023@antir.org
Put 12th Night Wait List in the subject line
Include the following in the body of the email:
Modern name
SCA name
Contact phone number (please indicate if call or text is preferred)
Because of the hotel error, the original plan of using the time sent as the order of the wait list is no longer fair. All of the emails received will be assigned a number, and those numbers will be put into a randomizer to determine the order of the wait list.
This randomizer list will be generated in mid-October, date TBA. Any requests received after the generated list, will be ordered by time stamp. We expect rooms to be released to the wait list in November and December. (In 2020, all people on the wait list received an event hotel room.)
If you wish to release a room back into the booking pool, you MUST email the event team and request the cancellation. If you use the hotel website, or call the hotel, the room you cancel will go out into the international system, and 12th Night will lose the room. You have until 4 January 2022 to cancel without any charges.
Again, the event email is 12thnight2023@antir.org.
Attia Prima, OP
Kingdom Seneschal, An Tir