12th Night Pre-Registration – Open
Pre-registration Now Open
Pre-registration for An Tir 12th Night is now open. You can sign up at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGF07ldxOpJXtc6e8WdMBee5CnacaV9mZ_TQBh-WGdLJrLVQ/viewform
Pre-registration is REQUIRED for ALL attendees (including children) at Twelfth Night. There will be NO day-of registration. Pre-registration closes Wednesday, January 5th, 2022, at 11:59PM. There is no pre-payment for this event. Payment will be handled at gate at the time you check in.
All attendees must have an individual registration for this event. Parents / guardians are responsible to enter pre-reg information for their minor children. Contact tracing information for minors will default to the parent / guardian. We look forward to seeing you all there! Please ask any questions, 12thnight2021@antir.org