Mid Summer’s Champions


Hosted in-person by Device of Hartwood

The Shire of Hartwood (Nanaimo, Campbell River, Courtenay, Port Alberni, BC )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Halima al-Rakassa
Date: July 21 , 2023 until July, 23 2023
Site opens at: 5:00 PM on July 21th 2023
Site closes at: 12:00 PM on July 23th 2023

Event site:
Camp Gilwell
5200 Comox logging road Courtenay, BC

Come vie for the unique honour of being a martial Champion of Hartwood – heavy (hard suit), rapier, archery, and thrown weapons!

Join us in the woods and on the fields to compete in friendly battle with friends! Those who defeat all comers become Champions to represent Hartwood wherever they go, bearing the regalia, the honour, and the duty also to choose their successors in like manner.

Did you know…? The Prince of Tir Righ, Prionnsa Argyle MacMillan the Wise, will be in attendance! You will want to be there.

Yet… Hark! There be more!

In keeping with the anticipated weather, we are keeping things relatively low-key, outside of the competition for the martial Defenders of Hartwood. Instead of formal classes, we return to the traditions of villages and older cultures with LOS:TOS. [See below for details!]

Should the sun beat down and parch palates, make your way to the refreshment stand, and sample of the local bevers for a small donation. The range of summertime, thirst-quenching shrubs will both astound and thrill  you! (Note that Scout Camps are dry sites.)

PETS! The furry kind.Dogs (and cats) are permitted on site when they are on a leash attached to a human or a tether staked to the ground or around a tree. The scout camp does not accept natural deposits left by your family members, so please make sure their deposits are disposed of in an acceptable receptacle. (An Tir leash laws in effect.)

### People you should know:

Stewards – Halima al-Rakkasa & Elphin O Flaithbheartaigh
Steward in training – Thyra
Gate Head – Doireann Dechti

Champions Wrangler: Maurus Ioinur

  • Archery: Lady Esa inghean Alasdair
  • Armoured Combat: Hon. Lord Beorn Bjulfrsson
  • Rapier:Mistress Magdelena Kress
  • Thrown Weapons: Hon. Lord Seamus MacDonald of Skye

### Where is this place of delights?

Come to Camp Gilwell!
Legal address is:
5200 Duncan Bay Main Line Road
Courtenay, BC V0P 1N0

Google maps shows Camp Gilwell; the other “address” is in error.

  • From the Inland Highway, take the Piercy Road exit and turn right onto Forbidden Plateau Rd.
  • From the Comox Valley, look for Piercy Road and turn left onto Forbidden Plateau Rd.
  • Look for the corner of Forbidden Plateau Road and the Duncan Bay Main Line Road.

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - Tir Righ
Has Heavy Fighting activities
Has Archery activities
Has Thrown Weapon activities
Has Arts & Sciences activities

Add all events from Hartwood to your personal calendar (ical format)

Accessibility Information

Site is classed as primitive.

Site Fees

Fee Type Cost*
Adult $20
Youth (12-18 years old, inclusive) $5
Child Free
*SCA Members will receive a $5 member discount off the cost listed above.

Event Schedule

Time Activity Location
8:00 Saturday Gate
9:00 Thrown Weapons inspection
9:30 Opening Audience
10:00 Thrown Weapons
11:30 Rapier inspection
12:00 Rapier
1:30 Lunch break
2:00 Archery inspection
2:30 Archery
4:00 Heavy Armour inspection
4:30 Heavy Armour
6:00 Dinner break
8:00 Closing Court

Tournament Information

Here are the championship (defender) formats.

Thrown Weapons:

  • Each thrower will get 2 practice throws on each weapon followed by 5 throws at a standard target from a standard distance, top 3 scores will move onto the finals to be announced on the day.


  • Depending upon the numbers, will likely be a round robin.

Heavy armoured:

  • Valhalla style (bear pit) with a grand melee near the end of our time limit if it takes too long!


  • Tournament will be shot using An Tir Archery rules.
  • Allowance of crossbows will be determined by marshals on site.
  • Each portion of the tournament will be scored 5 points for 1st, 4 points for 2nd, 3 points for 3rd, 2 points for forth, and 1 point for 5th. Tournament will begin at 40 yards. Archers will have six arrows warm up on a blank butt at 40 yards. First shoot – Invading ships are approaching the town. You must slow them down to allow time for back ups to arrive. Archers will shoot two arrows at each of the ship targets. Arrows hitting the sails will count 5 points.
    • Archers will repeat this process twice.

    Second shoot 30 yards – Eliminate pirates holding hostages.

    Archers will have six arrow warm ups on a blank butt at 30 yards.

    Archers will shoot two arrows at each set of hostage/pirates. Arrows hitting pirates will count five points, arrows hitting hostages will count -3 points, arrows hitting anywhere else on the target will score 2 points.

    – Archers will repeat this process twice.

    Third shoot 20 yards – Eliminate Dread Pirate Harold and his guards.

    Archers will have six arrow warm ups on a blank butt at 20 yards.

    Shoot will be done once.

    Archers will shoot two arrows at Dread Pirate Harold and his guards.

    Dagger target – arrows hitting the sleeve or hand will count 5 points.

    Knight target – arrows hitting silver will count 5 points.

    Harold target – eyes 5 points, face 3 points, white 1 point.

    Semi finals / and finals (tie will be broken by closest to centre)

    • top four archers will be randomly selected for pairs. Both semi and finals will be poison arrow shoot.
    • 20 yards – archers will shoot 5 arrows at their target and a poison arrow at their competitors target. Archers may approach the target after 5 arrows to confirm positioning.
    • The poison arrow eliminates all arrows in the colour it hits.

Youth and Family Activities

In keeping with the anticipated weather, we are keeping things relatively low-key, outside of the competition for the martial Defenders of Hartwood. Instead of formal classes, we return to the traditions of villages and older cultures with LOS:TOS.
Many of us have skills that we don’t realize we have! For instance, mending clothes was part of my youth; now I see a hunger for making clothes last, and instruction on skills like sashiko and Swiss darning. Let’s share what we know! LOS:TOS!
Learn One Skill: Be the youngster sitting at the knee of an elder at work, memorizing each move of a needle or pen. Be an elder peeking over the shoulder of another at work, commenting, “I didn’t know how to do that!”
Teach One Skill: Bring a little project that may be taught. If you like, bring enough tools and materials to lend in teaching.
Examples might be Beitris bringing some largesse in progress; another would learn some skills in hand-sewing. Perhaps one learning sewing skills might teach braiding. And so on.
Bring your skills, gather, and share!

Volunteer Information

Volunteers are welcome!

Remember that one of the best places to volunteer is at Gate, where you get to meet the happy people attending! Add your name to your preferred time slot: https://docs.google.com/…/1bqUuCmqtSKd0cHAvr5Kc…/edit 
Contact Beitris with any questions about Gate.

Contact Halima (halima.dancer@gmail.com) to be directed outside of Gate volunteering.




Merchant Information

Merchants are welcome! There is no fee, and no registration. You will be directed on site to a location that is not in direct conflict with the listfields.

Emergency Preparedness Information

Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate risk during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

This page for event id 7934 was last updated: July 20, 2023
This event has completed its EIF form
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