

Hosted in-person by Device of Wealdsmere

The Barony of Wealdsmere (Spokane, Spokane County, WA)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Avacyn Gericsdocther
Date: October 14 , 2023
Site opens at: 9:30 AM on October 14th 2023
Site closes at: 10:00 PM

Event site:
Audubon Park Masonic Temple
2821 W. Northwest Blvd Spokane, WA 99205

Octoberfeast: Toys for Tots

October 14, 2023

Audoban Masonic Hall

 2821 W Northwest Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205

Come join us for a day of fighting, fun and feasting!

Fighting tourneys to be announced.

Games tourney!

Classes, classes and more classes! (TBA)

Delightful half dozen largess contest.

A&S contest to be announced.


This is our Toys for Tots event. Please bring an unwrapped toy to participate in any tourney.

Site is completely discreetly wet.

When: October 14th, 2023

Where: Audubon Masonic Hall, 2821 W Northwest Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205

Time: 9:30am to 10pm

Gate: $17.00 Current SCA members receive a $5.00 discount. Youth 16 and under free

Event Steward: Honorable Lady Avacyn Geriksdochter


9:30 am check in at Gate

10:00 am Start of Armor Inspection

10:00 am Arts and Sciences check-in. Documentation requested for Champions tournament contest. Delightful half dozen will be decided by populace vote.


Fingerloop braiding will be offered informally throughout the day. Taught by Kenneth Mearns

11:30 -12:30 pm Christie Buckley – Medieval City Life after the Plague

1:00pm – 2:30pm Ceawlin Silvertongue– Garb/Gear Repair Guidance: Patch it like it’s Period. Bring items that you can mend or need to ask for help how to mend. Armor, Leather, and all types of Fabric. Baroness will supply any gold key items that need mending

3:00-4:00pm Viola Carrara-European Dance

4:00-5:00pm Magdi Tynkere Thomas – Middle Eastern Dance

4:00-5:00 Arts and Sciences judging

“Stained Glass Windows” with HL Sa’ada the Purple free youth activity class Youth of all ages are invited to talk about Medieval European stained glass windows, how & why they were made, how the architecture and light function, and to create their own paper version to take home and let the light shine through! Class will be open immediately after all fighting.


Court: 5:30 – At Their Excellencies pleasure

Feast following Court

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Has Merchants
Has Classes
Offers Youth & Family activities
Has Heavy Fighting activities
Has Arts & Sciences activities
Offers a feast or meal

See this event on Facebook

Add all events from Wealdsmere to your personal calendar (ical format)

Accessibility Information

I’m sorry to say that all entrances require the use of stairs. If you need help with the stairs call HL Avacyn at 509   701-4894 and friendly Gnomes will gladly come to help you.

Meal Information

Feast will be potluck with the Barony providing meat course;
The meats will be roast chicken and braised beef over rice.
Side dishes and desserts will be potluck based on your mundane last name:
A-M please bring a dessert or fruit
N-Z please bring a starch or vegetable

Tournament Information

To be ran by last years champions:
Toys for Tots Victors for 2022:

Heavy: Vegetius Decimus

Rapier: Ragnar Aðelstan

Arts and Sciences: Devin Wolflin

Games: Lif Gudrunsdottir

Cut & Thrust: Bohdon Theodson (un-challenged in 2022)

Youth and Family Activities

“Stained Glass Windows” with HL Sa’ada the Purple free youth activity class Youth of all ages are invited to talk about Medieval European stained glass windows, how & why they were made, how the architecture and light function, and to create their own paper version to take home and let the light shine through! Class will be open immediately after all fighting.

Volunteer Information

We are looking for more paid members to take shifts at Gate

Kitchen help always welcome. Please message Richenda (Susan Wensel) for more details or ask at kitchen!

Merchant Information

Merchants are welcome. Just bring a small unwrapped toy to participate!

Classes Offered

Fingerloop braiding will be offered informally throughout the day. Taught by Kenneth Mearns

11:30 -12:30 pm Christie Buckley – Medieval City Life after the Plague

1:00pm – 2:30pm Ceawlin Silvertongue– Garb/Gear Repair Guidance: Patch it like it’s Period. Bring items that you can mend or need to ask for help how to mend. Armor, Leather, and all types of Fabric. Baroness will supply any gold key items that need mending

3:00-4:00pm Viola Carrara-European Dance

4:00-5:00pm Magdi Tynkere Thomas – Middle Eastern Dance

4:00-5:00 Arts and Sciences judging




This page for event id 7854 was last updated: October 5, 2023