

Hosted in-person by Device of Aquaterra

The Barony of Aquaterra (Snohomish County, WA )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Mieczyslaw Czarnecki
Date: January 27 , 2023 until January, 29 2023
Site opens at: 12:00 PM on January 27th 2023
Site closes at: 5:00 PM on January 29th 2023

Event site:
Evergreen State Fairgrounds
14405 - 179th Ave SE Monroe, WA 98272


January 28-29, 2023
Saturday 9am-6pm & Sunday 9am-5pm
Evergreen State Fairgrounds Monroe, WA

Visit Ursulwyck Village, where we demonstrate life in Medieval Times. Meet the artisans and learn what our society is about. After seeing what makes us so excited about the Middle Ages, visit the Marketplace to peruse our wares and find a souvenir. Listen to our bards, see a Medieval Fashion Show, and more! See more Armored Fighting, Rapier, Archery, and Thrown Weapons than you can stand! You can even join us for court and witness the pomp and circumstance!
Faire Cost for Non-SCA members:
Adult (18+) $25 weekend/$15 day
Children and Youth under 18 – FREE!


Statement from the SCA – Please Read
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.


The Seneschal for the Society of Creative Anachronism released an updated statement on Bullying and Harassment that is required to be posted at the entry gate to every event from now on. The statement is as follows:

“The SCA prohibits harassment and bullying of all individuals and groups.

Harassment and bullying includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • offensive or lewd verbal comments directed to an individual;
  • the display of explicit images (drawn or photographic) depicting an individual in an inappropriate manner;
  • photographing or recording individuals inappropriately to abuse or harass the individual;
  • inappropriate physical contact; unwelcome sexual attention; or retaliation for reporting harassment and/or bullying.

Participants violating these rules are subject to appropriate sanctions. If an individual feels subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, they should contact a Seneschal, President of the SCA, or the Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman. If a participant of the SCA becomes aware that someone is being harassed or bullied, they have a responsibility pursuant to the SCA Code of Conduct to come forward and report this behavior to a Seneschal, President of the SCA or Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.”

More details about this policy can be found on the Society Seneschal’s website.

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - King
Royal Presence - Queen
Royal Presence - Tir Righ
Has Merchants
Offers Youth & Family activities
Has Heavy Fighting activities
Has Rapier and/or Cut & Thrust activities
Has Archery activities
Has Thrown Weapon activities
Has Arts & Sciences activities

See this event on Facebook

Add all events from Aquaterra to your personal calendar (ical format)

Registration Information

Fighters who may use the fighting gate Saturday 8am-930am. This gate is only for fighters. All others must use the main gate. Please note if you get there close to 930 you may be shifted to main gate.

Sleeping hall is on a 1st come, 1st served basis. Email Scott.Editor@gmail.com to reserve a spot. Please remember that this will be a shared space. Quiet time at 10pm. Be courteous and treat others as you wish to be treated.

Limited RV spots with power are available 1st come, 1st served. Email Scott.Editor@gmail.com

Evergreen Inn & Suites has a king room for $109 and a double queen for $119. Remember to mention the SCA, Ursulmas or Barony of Aquaterra when booking.

19103 U.S. Route 2 Monroe WA 89272

360- 863-1900


Accessibility Information

The fairgrounds has ADA stalls in the bathrooms.

Service animals are allowed, however the site does not allow pets.

Event Schedule

Time Activity Location
Noon Site opens for Merchants
3pm Gate opens for Populace
9pm Gate closes for the night
8am Gate open for Populace, lists open
8:30am Armour inspection begins Arena
9am Gate opens to the public
9:30am Fighter gate CLOSES
9:45am Lists close for Court
10am Morning Court Arena
10:30am (Or after Court) Lists reopen, YAC authorization Arena
11am Heavy tournament, Cut & Thrust, Rapier Bear Claw (never won a tournament) Arena
Ranges open for practice Range
Noon Thrown weapons novelty tournament Range
YAC tournament Arena
12:30pm Rapier open field
2:30pm Archary novelty tournament Range


4:30pm Gate closes, merchants close
5pm Evening Court Arena
*Order of Defense meeting to be held at conclusion of rapier tournament Arena
*Order of Chivalry meeting to be held at conclusion of heavy tournament Arena
8am Gate opens to Populace
9am Gate opens to the Public
10am Lists close
10:30am Gideon de Noirville Memorial tournament (over 40 heavy), Ice Scream rapier tournament Arena
Archary novelty shot Range
12:30pm Period kid heavy tournament, over 40 rapier Arena
Combat archery Range
3pm Closing Court
Gate closes
5pm Site Closes

Tournament Information

All fighters, please make sure your fight cards are up to date BEFORE the event! Remember to present your fight cards, membership cards AND site tokens to the Lists person.


Reduced armor is NOT allowed at this event. Wear your full kit or you will not be able to participate in the tournaments.

Please note: Everyone should review their fighter cards accuracy and expiration dates prior to coming to Ursulmas.
 Bear Claw Tourney, open for any who have yet to win a Tourney.
 Cut and Thrust Tourney going concurrently with the Bear claw
Youth Rapier Demo. Youth Demo is dependent on entrants as there are currently very few authorized youth rapier fighters in the Kingdom.
The Open Field Tourney will take place in the afternoon on Saturday. The format of the Open Field Tourney is changed to mirror Queens Rapier Champion. Four (4) round robin fields followed by a sweet 16, depending on time and number of entrants.
Sunday morning there will be an ICE CREAM social Tourney. Oft hand weapon shall be determined by random chance. Prize is a Baskin Robbins gift card.
Grumpy Old Bear Tourney (entrants must be over 40 years of age). Depending on the number of entrants (since the previous year had almost 40 entrants) the field will be divided into two or three round robin erics.


Heavey Fighting Saturday:

Note: there will be NO day-of NEW authorizations to be held at Ursulmas. All fighters looking to authorize
need to do so ahead of time. Any renewals will be done at the marshal’s discretion and availability.
However, as the day can be very busy, this is also best dealt with ahead of time.

Ursulmas Armored Combat Tournament
The traditional round-robin armored combat tournament will once again be held on Saturday at Ursulmas. The
top 2 competitors from each eric will advance to a single-elimination Sweet 16 semi-finals. From there, the two
finalists will compete in a best 2-out-of-3 finals.
The tournament will begin immediately after Saturday morning Court. Lists open at 8 AM, and close at 9:45 AM.

Sunday Tournaments:
Gideon de Noirville Memorial Tournament
Gideon Hrafensfuri, bringeth unto all and sundry, the 25th annual Gideon de Noirville Memorial Tournament.
Combatants whose years number two score or more are welcome. Bear witness as seasoned elders put
themselves to the hazard – and once standing, possibly fight. The clash of weapons, the creak of joints, the
wheezing war cries! Truly, the path unto glory shalt be shuffled upon! Great fun for all ages!
Lists open at 9 AM on Sunday, and close at 10:15 AM. Fighting will start at 10:30 AM.

Ursulmas Bear Meat Tournament
This is open to all non-belted fighters who have never won a tournament.
This tournament will run concurrent with the Gideon de Noirville Memorial Tournament. Lists times are the

The Period Kit Tournament
The Period Kit Tournament is a celebration of those fighters and their kits that inspire us, with their focus on
historical appearance.
All fighters wishing to enter this tournament must be meet the following criteria:
1. No visible plastic, except basket hilts.
2. Your kit must be appropriate to a given time, place, and culture. Any out of period elements needed for safety
should be made as unobtrusive as possible.
3. All fighters must at the start of the tournament, introduce themselves, and briefly tell the crowd about their
persona and the kit they are fighting in.
The prize this year will be a custom-made shield, painted by Andromacha tis Lésvos.
The Period Kit tourney will run after the Gideon de Noirville Memorial Tournament, starting at 12:30 PM. Lists
will close at 12 Noon.


Ranged weapons

Archary and thrown weapons both will have a novelty tournament!


There will be youth fighter authorizations on Saturday morning, with a noon tournament.



Youth and Family Activities

YAC fighter authorizations at 10:30 Saturday

YAC tournament noon Saturday



Volunteer Information

Heralds, lend your voice
List, tally those fights
Gate, welcome the populace
Chatalaine, share your knowledge
Marshal volunteers are requested for all rapier tourneys except Youth Rapier Demo
If you are able to volunteer, please check in the area you are interested in to see what help they need the day of the Event.

Merchant Information

Nordic Trader, Tandy Leather, creativity Works, Vidar Leather Works, Horse N Round, Reanning Teine, BB Wolf pack, Keltic Kraze, Persistent Tiger, Dragonstorm Sports, Redwolf and more!

This page for event id 7797 was last updated: January 25, 2023