Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Ynesen Ongge Xong Kerij-e
Date: June 27 , 2020
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 27th 2020
Site closes at: 11:59 PM
Event site:
Issaquah Community Center
301 Rainier Blvd Street
Issaquah , WA 98027
Somber Tidings from Their Excellencies Enzio and Spike, Baron and Baroness of Madrone
In recognition of the current situation regarding the health and safety of the populace, the event staff and ourselves have determined it is necessary to cancel Athenaeum 2020. Rest assured Athenaeum will return in 2021 to showcase the skill, pageantry, and grace that the Artisans of Madrone and all of An Tir are known for.
Our gratitude for the vision and hard work of event staff this year and previous, for highlighting what the SCA truly can be. We look forward to seeing Athenaeum continue to grow and blossom in future years.
In grateful service,
and longing to join with friends again,
Enzio and Spike, Baron and Baroness of Madrone
This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - King
Royal Presence - Queen
Has Arts & Sciences activities
Add all events from Madrone to your personal calendar (ical format)
Map UnavailableThis page for event id 7252 was last updated: April 20, 2020
This event has not completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy