Bar Gemels


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Sindri inn harfagri
Date: April 26 , 2019 until April, 28 2019
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 26th 2019
Site closes at: 11:59 PM on April 28th 2019

Event site:
Camp Taloali
15934 N. Santiam Hwy SE Stayton, OR 97383

Lords, Ladies, and Good Gentles, the Barony of Terra Pomaria would like to invite you to join us at Bar Gemels as Baron Weylyn and Baroness Lindis step down and our next Baron and Baroness begin their service. It will be a weekend of food, games, classes, and fighting. This also marks the Barony’s Bardic and Youth Championships. Come join us for Mediterranean food and games as well as our annual bar brawls. Pre-registration is encouraged (and comes with a discount!).

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - King
Royal Presence - Queen
Royal Presence - Summits
Accepts PayPal
Has Merchants
Has Classes
Has an Heraldic consultation table
Offers Youth & Family activities
Has Heavy Fighting activities
Has Rapier and/or Cut & Thrust activities
Has Archery activities
Has Thrown Weapon activities
Has Bardic activities

See this event on Facebook

Add all events from Terra Pomaria to your personal calendar (ical format)

Registration Information

Information for pre-registration available at the Bar Gemels webpage.

Site Fees

Fee Type Cost*
Weekend (Pre-registered) $20
Weekend (At gate) $25
Day Trip (Pre-registered) $10
Day Trip (At gate) $15
*SCA Members will receive a $5 member discount off the cost listed above.
Fee Cost
Meal Plan (Pre-registered) $35
Meal Plan (At gate) $40
Cabin Rental (per bunk, all weekend) $15
RV Hookup $50
RV w/o Hookup Free
Camping Free

Meal Information

Meal information, including ingredients, can be found on the Bar Gemels webpage.

Tournament Information

Bardic Championship

Unto the bards of An Tir, the skalds, minstrels, poets and storytellers, does Braennan the Misguided send greetings!

For the last year I have had the honor of serving as the Baronial Bardic Champion for Terra Pomaria. Now, Bar Gemels is once again upon us, and a new champion must take up the lyre.

At Bar Gemels a bardic tournament will be held, that the glory of Terra Pomaria will be heralded in story and song for another year. If you would contend for this honor, pray attend the following tournament format:

Contestants should prepare three performance pieces. These can be songs, poems, stories, dances, japes or jests, as the purpose of the bard is both to uphold our histories and to entertain.

One piece shall be original, a performance written by the performer.
One piece shall have no restrictions, so that the performer may produce their best work without concern of provenance.
The last piece, reserved for tie breakers (or at the behest of a well entertained Baronial decree) should be humerus and whimsical.

No documentation will be required, (but can be provided if wished). Bards held our knowledge in security against the ravages of time and forgetfulness long before the monks came with their quills and ink-pots, so you need only come with your voice, your heart, and your joy to honor the Barony of Terra Pomaria!

Yours in Service to the Dream,

Don Braennan MacEarnan, called The Misguided

Youth Championship

All children who are willing and able to step forth and compete to become the Youth Champion of Terra Pomaria!
Show us your skill, cunning, and artistry, and most of all, HAVE FUN!!!!

*Please work with your parents to insure you have read and understand the format, requirements, and privileges of becoming the Youth Champion.  Children must be between the ages of 5-17 to compete.

This year’s competition will involve some elements to be completed prior to the event that will be displayed throughout the day Saturday.  Please read the requirements below for details.  We will be using the Youth and Family Activities (YAFA) worksheets throughout the competition.  

To gain access to the YAFA website, simply follow this link – – and click the “Sign Up Your Family” tab at the top of the screen. You will need your membership number to create a User ID for your family, and a password. You can load multiple children under one family User ID. Once you are registered, you can then access all of the YAFA worksheets from your account. 
As always, this is a youth competition.  All activities will be scored.  Some events are optional; however, the more events you participate in, the higher your score.  Parents should be present with their child for all on-site portions.  Adult assistance with projects should be minimal and to insure safety.

*Children are encouraged to create a letter of intent to present to Their Excellencies in morning court. This is not a requirement. This letter may also be used as the child’s Arts and Sciences entry if they so choose.

The Championship begins Saturday morning during morning court! For details of the different elements of the championship, please visit the Bar Gemels Youth Championship page, where details of the duties of the youth champion can also be found.

Heavy Weapons

We will be having two tournaments to ensure fighters are able to display their skills upon the field. First will be the return of the Noblis Oblige tournament; this format will be a bring your best weapon choice. Fighters are encouraged to bring a prize as offering determined by ones station. After a break we will be holding our signature Tournament The Barroom Brawl . After a prize tourney combatants would saunter down to the local establishment and revel in the days fighting which sometimes leads to heated discussions and brawling… The rules of the Brawl: no shields, no weapons over 30 inch blade length, no weapons over 40 inches in length, and since it to hard to drink with ones helmet on, light blows to the head are considered sufficient. Creative weapons are encouraged.


It has come to my attention that there has been a fire at “The Road Apple Inn.” And as all good Rapier fighters know when the heavy fighters start a brawl it is better to be elsewhere. So why the heavy fighters brawl we will be roving the grounds looking for the arsonist?

The tournament is bring what you wish to carry. Each combatant will start with 3 ribbons signifying lives. Before each fight you and your opponent will decide how many of your ribbons you want to fight for with a minimum of 1. At the end of the time limit the two fighters with the most ribbons will face of in a best 3 of 5 bout with restrictions set by Royal decree or bring your best depending on the whims of royalty at end of the tournament.

Rules of Roving. There will be a list field set up and duels can be fought in it for the last half hour of the tournament. From the start of the tournament find at least one other fighter or junior Marshal to travel the grounds with. Duels can be fought anywhere on the grounds that is not deemed off limits due to safety. Any fight needs at least two Marshals or acting Marshals to keep things safe.

Yours in Service
Santinus Contarini
Rapier marshal of Terra Pomaria and MIC for Rapier activities at Bar Gamels

Volunteer Information

The Silent Auction will be held on Saturday, April 27th. There will be plenty of time throughout the day to evaluate and bid on your favorite items. All monies collected through the auction will go to support Camp Taloali’s (our event site) programs. Every year, Camp Taloali provides summer camp experiences for underprivileged deaf children. Attending this camp can be the only social interaction these children have with people who speak their own language. Let’s donate and bid well to send more children to camp!

Are you an Artisan or Supporter that would like to donate an item/art/service to be auctioned? We’d love to have you help! All are invited to donate period/period inspired/SCA appropriate items to be auctioned for this event.

If you’d like to contribute toward the auction, please email me at with the following information:

Artisan’s Name: ____________________
Item Description: ____________________
Starting Bid: ____________________
Artisan Contact Info: ____________________

Please include an image of the item, or a similar item, so we can advertise and potential bidders understand what they are bidding on.

If you have questions regarding the auction, please email me.

Merchant Information

Sheriff Sir Dublin O’Guinn will be selling a comic collection of An Tir cartoons called Tails of An Tir.

Redwolf Limited: handcrafted jewelry.

Thistillium Pottery: handthrown, high-fired pottery.

Lady Eawyn rindill will be selling primarily hand dyed silks (although I sometimes include other offerings such as jewelry, herbal remedies, wool and other fabrics as well as other period-appropriate goods).

Nest verch Alan, Nobilis: handmade earrings and jewelry made from bought, historically-accurate and/or historically-inspired materials. Lampwork earrings, especially.

Merchants interested in Bar Gemels, please contact the event steward at

Classes Offered

Beyond the Binary: Trans experience in History and the SCA

This class will provide an overview of some historical examples of people who don’t fit in a binary gender classification as well as information about common courtesies for modern Trans* folk in the SCA.

Taught by HL Marcello Fornarius and Lord Cillian FitzWilliam

Silent Heraldry: An Introduction

Attention all good gentles interested in the art of speaking with the hands!  Who are silent heralds? How can I become a silent herald? Where/When/Who does a silent herald serve? How can I support a silent herald?  Come and learn the answers to these questions, and other wonderings brought by your good selves!  You will leave with a basic knowledge of how to learn signs, a beginning repertoire of SCA-specific signs and everyday signs, and resources for continued learning.  Please join us in learning the noble art of Silent Heraldry!

Taught by Lady Gabrielle d’Arci

“So, You Want to be a Marshal?”

This class will put candidates through their paces and those who pass would become junior marshals. At Egils, we would have a class “So You Want to be a SENIOR MARSHAL” and give the juniors a chance to set up ranges and get promoted.
Taught by Master William Cristofore of Devonshire and Lord Alan Bowyer

This page for event id 7150 was last updated: April 15, 2019
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