Carnevale di Venezia


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Margaret Fae
Date: March 24 , 2018
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 24th 2018
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Schlegel Hall
485 S Main St Banks, OR 97106


Celebrate the opulence and pleasures of 16th century Italy. Join
Dragon’s Mist for feasting, dancing, and fun diversions on the day
of March 24th. Come all and grace Schlegel Hall with costumed


Events of the day:


Costume Parade – Our traditional costume competition will begin
with a Carnevale inspired parade through the hall early in the day.
Participants will have the opportunity to show off their beauty
while enjoying the other events of the day, voting will be
anonymous, and results will be announced during court. 


Rapier Championship Challenge – The Dragon�s Mist rapier
champion challenges those finding themselves worthy to come forward
and compete to take his place. Format:

Round 1: 10 minute Bear Pit, each contestant begins the round
with their primary weapon in their non-dominant hand. They may
switch to their dominant hand once they have lost a bout.
Secondaries for the field as a whole will be at Their Excellencies
discretion. Only wins are counted. Double kills will be refought
once, then are destructive.

Round 2 and 3: repeat round 1

Final Round: The two contestants with the highest victory totals
will fight a best of 3, with the only restriction being that Their
Excellencies may choose the secondary for each bout.


Arts & Sciences Championship – Single entry, with documentation
and oral presentation required. You will have a table space for
your display. Your entry will be judged on period methods,
materials, and understanding of period context. The entry should
contribute to a better understanding of an aspect of period life or
material culture. Research papers and consumables are welcome as
well as the usual artistic object. Entry can not have previously
won a competition, unless it has been sufficiently overhauled and
rebuilt into a new entry. Note: The Bardic Championship will be
held at the same event. Please enter your performances there.
Please visit

Dragon’s Mist Arts & Sciences Championship

for complete information. 


Bardic Championship: Theme of the competition is “Songs and

Each competitor must present two pieces: one a period song, and
one period legend. Examples of legends include tales of Cu
Chúlainn of Ireland, Roland of France, and Rustam of Persia. Every
culture has them, feel free to explore and find a legend from
period that appeals to you. Storytelling performances will be
limited to twenty minutes, so it may be best to choose a single
story and not, for example, the entire Táin bó Cúailnge. The
song may use voice and/or instruments and may be accompanied by
other musicians, but the performance of the competitor MUST be the
star of the show. If we can’t pick you out of a crowd of musicians
playing then we can’t judge YOUR performance. Both performances
must be accompanied by documentation. Bonus: it is allowable for
both performances to be the same piece, but it will be performed
twice: once to judge the “legend” piece, and once to judge the
“song” piece. Two pieces of documentation must still be provided:
one for the musical and one for the storytelling aspects. Poems are
allowed as an alternative to a song. Original compositions in a
period style will also be permitted for the song/poem category, but
the inspiration for the composition must be documented.


Indulgence – This dessert competition will feature sinful
decadence of all sorts. Participant�s confections will be judged
on relation to the theme (Carnevale) and, above all the taste.
***Desserts to share are encouraged whether entered into the
contest or not***


Games: Come support the baronial champions cloak fund by
purchasing tokens and take part in fun games and frivolity with
lovely prizes donated by the populace


Thrown weapons: (format TBD)


Iron Scribal: Note cards will be available to paint. There will
be four main divisions – Youth (17 and under), Beginner (painting
one year or less), Intermediate (painting two to four years),
Advanced (painting more than four years). Judging will take place
before court, and results will be announced during court


Through the day we will also have dancing and classes to keep us
entertained with everything culminating into a fantastic feast and
the court of Their Excellencies Ana and Jose. 


The fee for this event is $15 with a $5 member discount for all
those over the age of majority (18). In addition, it is $10 to
partake in the feast, and those under the age of 13 are invited to
join their adult at no charge. (All fees are based per



10am – 10pm

Schlegel Hall 

485 S. Main St Banks, Or 97106


Event Steward:

Lady Fae

This page for event id 6852 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
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