Maypole Faire XXII


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Griffin Enguerrand
Date: May 1 , 2015 until May, 3 2015
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 1th 2015
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on May 3th 2015

Event site:
Clallam County Fairgrounds
1608 West 16th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362

Maypole Faire XXI is the Shire of Druim
Doineann’s annual public demonstration. We will be hosting
the event at the Clallam County Fairgrounds in Port Angeles. We are
using the west side of the fairgrounds, so our entrance will be the
yellow colored gate. (The Kiwanis put on their annual garage sale
on the same Saturday, so don’t mix up the gates!)

The site opens Friday, May 1st at 9:00 am for
vendors and 10:00 am for campers. We are open to the public on
Saturday, May 2nd from 10:00 – 5:00. Site closes at 2:00 pm,
Sunday, May 3rd.

We have scheduled our Heavy, Rapier, Archery
and Thrown Weapons Championship, this will indeed be a grand day of
fighting and fun. We will also be having an equestrian
demonstration throughout the day on Saturday.  
 (Volunteers please contact Griffin at

The schedule as of now:

Friday – Set up and getting people their

Saturday – 

10:30 Invocation ceremony and sponsorship. (
All fighters, archers, etc must be sponsored to fight.
 Sponsors will present their fighters and are asked to offer a
small token to add to the “spoils of war”.  Items will be
placed in a “spoils” box for the event they will be fighting in.
 If fighting in more than one event you only need to bring one
item.  If a sponsor is unable to attend the fighter may
present themselves along with the items and a verbal declaration of
whom they fight for.)  If you have more questions on this
please email me at  

Schedule as of 2/22/15

12:00 Heavy Championship – Double round robin
with the final being best 2 out of 3.

12:00 Archery Championship –  (More to

3:00  Rapier Championship – Bear Pit with
final being 2 out of 3.

3:00  Thrown Weapons Championship – (More
to come)

5:00  Maypole Dance

TBD  Closing court 

Sunday – Pack up 


Bards are encouraged to perform all day and
please feel free to pass the hat! We will end the public
demonstration portion of the event with a dance around the Maypole!
Bring your drums to pound out a beat or beat your feet and have a
merry time weaving the ribbons!

Vendors are welcome to set up and sell their
wares. We will not be charging a separate vendor fee although
donations are readily accepted. Food vendors must contract through
the Clallam County Fairgrounds and will be charged either a flat
fee of $100 or 18% of sales. (Drink only vendors are exempt from
this requirement.) To be a vendor for the event please contact
Blackburn at and put “VENDOR” in the
subject line.  

The site is on the west end of the Clallam
County Fairgrounds. Gas and charcoal fires are preferred and all
fires must be at least 18” off the ground. The site also has
a public restroom and working showers, so bring plenty of quarters!
Please leave the premises in like or better condition so we can
come back next year.

We have plenty of camping space for all.
However, if you would like to reserve an RV space (as RV space with
hook ups are limited) please contact Blackburn at with “CAMPING” in the subject line and for
tent space contact Griffin at   Please do not
use any tent spikes over 10” in length so we don’t
inadvertently pierce their irrigation system. There are RV parking
spots with water and electric hook-ups free of charge. Garbage cans
will be available, but pack out what you can, please. The site does
NOT allow for our four legged friends, please make arrangements to
leave them at home.  

Please be aware this public demo will be held
on a county property, we would like to remind everyone that the
site is DISCREETLY damp. We encourage the use of period containers.
The public is not blocked from entering the camping area, so they
may wander through. Be aware of what personal belongings you have
on display.

The Shire is planning to have a Pied Piper for
youth activities, more to follow on this. 

Site fee is $15 for adults (18+), $10 for
youth (6-17), kids 5 and under are free. There is a $40 family cap
(mundane families only!). Suggested day trip (Saturday only) fee is
$10 for adults and $5 for youth, kids 5 and under are still free.
The $5 NMS per adult applies. (Note: if you don’t have proof
of current SCA Membership, the NMS will apply regardless of actual
membership status.) Our event is open free to the public on
Saturday. We want their interest, goodwill, and desire to return to
make next year’s event even better. 

For additional information, please contact the
Event Steward:

Griffin “Sandeater” Enguerrand

This page for event id 6322 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy