Hosted by
The Barony of Glymm Mere (Thurston, Grays Harbor, and South Mason counties, WA )
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Alaina Blackthorn
Date: December 5 , 2009
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 5th 2009
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Heritage Hall: Thurston County Fairgrounds
3054 Carpenter Rd. SE
Lacey, WA 98503
Barony of Glymm Mere
December 5th
Come and share a leisurely day of celebration, fun, and
feasting with Baron Godric and Baroness Kara and the populace
of Glymm Mere .
Site opens at 1pm with a heavy tourney starting at 1:30 pm. A
rapier tourney will also be held beginning at 2:00 pm. Both
tourneys will require a 3 item food donation to enter. You
may buy up to 5 additional lives each costing 1 food item.
There will be children activities starting at 2:00 pm.
Again this year we will be having a dessert competition which
will be judged at 4:00 pm. This year anything goes for the
dessert competition! Both period and non period entries
welcome. No documentation required, but please provide a list
of ingredients.
The feast service will begin at
6:00 pm and will consist of:
1st course- Cheddar and French Onion Soups
2nd course- Turkey and Fish with assorted
3rd course- Cheese Cake and Assorted Tarts
Adult (13 & over) Site fee $8. Feast fee $7.
Youth (5-12) Site fee $5. Feast fee $6
Children under 5 are free.
NMS fee apply.
Make checks payable to: Barony of Glymm Mere, SCA Inc
Site closes at 9:00 pm.
Please notify the autocrat at:
or C/O Barony of Glymm Mere: PO Box 1442
Olympia WA 98507 by November 27th if you plan
to attend Glymm Mere Yule. Pre-pay is optional.
Please remember that last year we did sell out
of feast spaces.
Autocrat: Lady Alaina Blackthorn (Alaina Morganstern) email
is the best way to reach her
or she can be reached via snail mail at 5706 S Sheridan Ave
Tacoma WA 98408
This page for event id 5037 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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