
Night Sky over An Tir West War by John dePercy. Used with permission.

Welcome to the Modern Middle Ages

We welcome participants from all backgrounds, regardless of their ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious beliefs, or abilities.

Whether you’re new to the SCA or new to Our Kingdom, we welcome you and want to help you find your feet here in An Tir. Please contact our outreach coordinator (Chatelaine) who will be happy to help you connect with people of similar interests. Include the local area where you live, as we are arranged geographically (if you already know the name of the group, you can find contact information for your local branch on the Branches page)

Come and Be Welcome

“Come from the forest and sit ’round the fire

Come from the fields and enter our hall

Come drink from the guest-cup

Come join in our circle

Come and be welcome ye bards one and all”

by Emer nic Aiden, https://emholbert.bandcamp.com

Historical Combat

Historical combat takes many forms in the SCA – all of which have modern (anachronistic) safety provisions. An Tir has vibrant communities around three forms of historical swordfighting (Rattan/”Heavy”, Rapier, and Heavy Rapier or Cut & Thrust), two ranged combat options (archery and thrown weapons), and Equestrian combat. Youth are welcome to participate in all disciplines. Local practices, Kingdom-wide tournaments, and wars fill our events calendar.

Arts & Sciences

In the SCA we enrich each other’s lives and bring beauty and knowledge to the Kingdom through what we call the Arts & Sciences. Research, classes, and local project nights connect people all over the Kingdom where they learn new skills and share historical knowledge about daily life skills, fine arts, and crafts such as weaving or embroidery.


Many people find joy and companionship in working together toward a common goal. Our Society and our Kingdom would not be the community it is without volunteers to organize, motivate, teach, run meetings, make policies, plan events, and generally make our Kingdom run. Service touches every aspect of what we do. If you enjoy making things happen, we welcome more hands to the “work”.