Yule Feast & Bardic Championship


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Elisabeth Trostin
Date: December 13 , 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 13th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
FOE Aerie #2338
4011 Jackson Ave. Port Orchard, WA 98366

(Regional conflicts allowed)


Saturday, December
Port Orchard, WA.


As the wheel turns and fall
succumbs to winter, we gather indoors to celebrate the newest
Dragons Laire Bardic Champion – but first they must
compete for both honor and title!  This
event hosts the Baronial Bardic Championship; if interested
in competing, please submit your letter of intent to:
Their Excellencies Cedric and
Brigid, the current Baronial Bardic Champion (Abbot
Siôn Dafydd), and the Baronial A&S Minister
(Pernell Kamber). Each letter should include the following:
SCA and Modern Names, Your branch, The name of anyone to whom
you are in fealty, A description of each entry, including the
time and place upon which they are based, Contact info,
email, and phone number.  Each entry will
require documentation.  It is best to provide at least
two copies, plus the original, to the competition. Other
questions? Contact Abbot Sion Dafydd at hedgedoggy@aol.com
(Deadline for submission has now past; thank you for your
interest. LKB 11/2/2008)


Child-friendly classes will be
provided during the day and will end with a served feast and
a potluck dessert following evening court. 
Please note, no glitter or confetti should be used in the
decorating of tables. Fees are as follows: Adults $10.00 for
entry and children17 and under do not pay a site fee; NMS of
$3.00 per adult applies. Lunch will be available for $2 per
person. Evening feast will cost $9.00 per adult and $5.00 for
children 6 -17. Each family’s dessert contribution
should serve at least 6-8 people. Checks should be made
payable to “SCA, Inc. – Dragons
Laire”  Feast reservations should be
provided to THL Aelianora de Wintringham 
at rgiles@centurytel.net by no later than December

If you are interested
in volunteering, we are looking for help with feast serving
and kitchen staff; please contact the Autocrat and the
phone/email below.

Autocrat: Lady Elisabeth
Trostin (Lisa Bundrick) P.O. Box 468 Vaughn, WA 98394 phone:
(253) 884-1090 email: thebundricks@msn.com

Site hours: 9am – 10



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