Wyewood Yule Feast


Hosted by Device of Wyewood

The Barony of Wyewood (South King County, WA)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Alianora Greymoor
Date: December 18 , 2010
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 18th 2010
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Black Diamond Community Center
31605 Third Avenue Black Diamond, WA 98010

Let it be known that the Shire of Wyewood will be
hosting a Yule Feast to celebrate another eventful year for
our branch. 


The feast is scheduled to be held on Saturday, December
18th at the Black Diamond Community Center in
Black Diamond, WA.


Wyewood’s very own Lady Fionnghuala Inghean Lochlainn
will be the head cook for this feast so please be prepared to
partake in a true culinary masterpiece!  The menu for the feast
will be coming soon.  If there are
questions/food concerns, please contact Lady Fionnghuala
directly at



Before the feasting, there will be tables, snacks, and maybe
even some games available for those who would like to come
and socialize during the day.  Please bring projects you
are working on, come and plan future events, or just
socialize with your friends! 


Our lovely A&S Minister/Champion, the Honorable Lady
Wenyeva atte Grene, will be organizing a fashion show
featuring period ensembles from various times and
places.  Please
contact her ladyship at


if you would like to be involved!


Please know that we shall also be having a Rapier Tournament
to benefit Toys for Tots.  The entry fee for the
tournament shall be on new unused/unwrapped toy and shall
grant the combatant five lives.   This is also a
“buy a life” style tournament, whereas the more
toys you donate, the more you get to fight in the tournament
past your initial 5 deaths .  Each additional toy shall
grant the combatant an additional three lives!  For more information
please contact Wyewood’s Rapier Marshal, Ulrich
HelleFeuer at




And now… some details…


Site:     Black
Diamond Community Center

3rd Ave

 Black Diamond,
WA 98010


Complete schedule to be posted soon!




 Children (under
10): Free

Surcharge: $5 per person



 Adult:  $10

 Children (under
10):  $5

**Please remember to pre-register for the meal!  Seating is limited to


To Pre-register:

Please send your name, number of tickets requested, and a
check for the appropriate amount to our Exchequer,
Katarina.  The
address is PO Box 59804, Renton, WA 98058 and checks should
be made payable to the Shire of Wyewood.



Site Schedule:

1:00pm – Site opens to the public and merriment

2:00pm – 3:00pm – Rapier Tournament

6:00pm – 8:00pm – Feasting with fashion show
between courses

9:00pm – Site Closes


**This is a dry site**




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