Veraquillon A&S night


Hosted by Device of Borealis

The Barony of Borealis (Edmonton, AB)

Event Summary

Date: August 29 , 2001
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on August 29th 2001
Site closes at: 12:00 AM


The Canton of VerAquion will be holding a A&S class on Wednesday, August 29.
We will learn the staggeringly simple art of fingerweaving. This class is
appropriate for all ages, children welcome. The goal of the class will be to
learn the art and then to create one necklace to take home, and another to
add to the largess of thier Highnesses. The class will cost a mere $1.00 and
will be held at Glenora Hall (136 St & 105 Ave)from 7-9pm. Please come and
join the fun!

Yours In Service,

Lady Una Rasmussen
Chatelaine of Borealis
(mka Tamie-Ann Weatherly)

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