Tir Righ Crown Principality Championships


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Kieran Gunn
Date: April 25 , 2003 until April, 27 2003
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 25th 2003
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on April 27th 2003

Event site:
Evergreen Hall
9291 Corbould St Chilliwack, BC V2P 4A6

Northern Crown Principality Champions Tourney 2003
April 25th – 27th, 2003

Greeting unto the populace.

Our Shire is pleased to be hosting the Northern Championship Tournament to
decide our new Heavy and Arts and Science Champions.be held at the Fraser
River Heritage Park in Mission, BC. Check out the Northern Web Site and the
Lionsdale web site for tourney information.

    Site Fees:

  • Cost: $10.00 (canadian) for adult (S.C.A members.)
  • $5.00 (canadian) for children 5-15
  • Children under 5 are free
  • $25.00 family cap
    Kieran Gunn 604-556-0887
    or Email: KieranGunn@lionsdale.org

    Eric & Merchant Reservations:
    Lord Lou Tang
    Lou Tang email: Lou_Tang@yahoo.com

    Please indicate your branch, office or rank, as appropriate, along with:
    Actual Pavillion width and depth (foot print) and
    Area width and depth with guide ropes

    This page for event id 3567 was last updated: October 31, 2021
    This event has not completed its EIF form
    This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy