Summits Spring Coronet


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Michael Alan of Davenant
Date: March 14 , 2008 until March, 16 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 14th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on March 16th 2008

Event site:
Riverbend Park
51 Thompson Blvd Winston, OR 97496

Site Update Please be aware that we
CANNOT drive on the grass  at site. We
will be fairly close to the site but it will involve some
Packing, I will try to have people to help also cart would
not be a bad idea if you have them

Let it be known that their
Alpine Highnesses Berek von Langental und Liesel von
Langental are seeking their rightful heirs to the Alpine
Thrones. Let all who are worthy come forth and vie for the
honor of the Throne. In the picturesque setting of Riverbend
Park (Winston Or.)
amongst the trees and next to the river help us celebrate the
20th anniversary of the Shire of Briaroak. This will be a wet
Let the Fun begin.
When: Site opens at Noon 3/14 and closes at
2pm on 3/16
Prices:  Adults: (18
and over) $15.00  Youths: (12-17)
$7.00  Under 12: Free
Family Cap: $40.00 (Family consists of 2
adults and any number of “DIRECTLY” related
children) All checks must be made
payable to SCA, Inc. Shire of Briaroak

A $3.00 non member surcharge (For Adults) is not
included in the above prices.

Coronet Tournament Style: Sword and Shield.
(Please remember fighters have a banner and pole to use in
the Processional)
Benefit Prize Tournament: This tournament is
being held to help with the ongoing medical treatment and
recovery of HL Grimarr.
The entrance fee will be $10
Their Highnesses Berek von Langental und
Liesel von Langental
will be providing some excellent Prizes
from Estrella 
and also from some of our
very own Merchants.Tournament Style will be Open
Styles Tournament: The style for this
tournament  To Be announced most likely at the

There will also be a youth competion The Little Landsknecht
Olympics all prizes will be furnished by Thier Highnesses
Fire policy:
ALL fires must be in braziers, min. of 18 inches above
ground. All fires must have safety equipment on sight. NO
fires allowed. Firewood will be for sale. Proceeds will go to
The Summit’s Travel Fund and The Shire of
Must pre-register with the
Merchant coordinator (Form available
must be a member of Briaroak group page or the form
be sent to you by the coordinator). ALL food venders MUST
have health department certificate and Oregon food
handler’s card on sight.

Here is a list of Confirmed Merchants: (If your not on this
list but intend to attend you need to contact the Merchant
coordinator immediatly

  The Sitkum Soapworks and
(handmade soap, pottery,beads, woodwork,
garb and sundries)
Proprietor Mehitabel Pottern

  Sapphire Dragon (Jewelry, trinkets,
Norse drop spindles, hand decorated bags and purses.)
Also fire pits, meat turners and fireplace pokers from
the forges of Brunetta Blacksmithing.
Proprietor Aoewyn Thilghman

  Studio Brigandu (Jewelry, garb,
leather goods)
Proprietor Sparrow Hansbauer

The Cat and Candle
jewelry, girdle belts, henins, flower crowns and books
Proprietor Aeryth the Gildwright

Sunara Clothing Fyne period clothing made by
Sunara herself. Tunics, chemises, skirts, circle skirts,gypsy
pants, leines, cloaks, cholies, tassel belts, Norman dresses,
veils,      head rolls, hats, middle
eastern men’s garb, women’s dance garb and accessories.
Proprietor Mistress Sunara Al Badawiyya

Ageless Treasures
Large variety of items from feast ware to toys
Proprietor: Lady Christiana of Heather’s Glen
Norsemans Chest
Medieval style custom tents, Semi-precious and glass bead
necklaces,  Medieval style wooden furniture Simple
Children dresses/tunics
Proprietor: Skerri Valtorsson

Witches Wardrobe
garb,accessories, feast
gear, blades, and sca themed children’s items
Proprietor: Robyne del Seno Rosse

Shire of Briaroak Fund Raiser (Bundles of
firewood and kindling) proceeds go to the Summits Travel fund
and the Shire of Briaroak

Site Schedule (Note this schedule may change
may change due to the needs of Their Alpine Highnesses or the
event staff without notification)


       12:00 Site

       7:00 Briaroak
Birthday Bash
Potluck If you plan to attend
and your mundane last name begins with

        A-H then bring
Appetizer or salad     I-Q-Main dish
   R-Z-Bread or Dessert (Period or mundane dishes

      10:00 Quiet
(we are inside the city limits)

      12:00am Gate


        8:30 -9:30
Peerage Meeting

       9:00 – 10:00
Heralds Meeting (Open to all)

       9:30 List
(For All Tournaments)

       9:30 – 10:00
Event Marshal’s

      10:00 Short Court
for Announcement’s

      10:30 List Closes
Armor Inspections Begins

Processional (Fighters Please try to have a
Banner and pole for this) Coronet Tournament follows

  Immediately following Coronet
Tournament List will reopen for 10 minutes for the Benefit
and Styles Tourney

      Benefit Prize

      Immediately after Benefit Prize
Tournament List will open for 10 minutes for Styles
Tournament) & Little Landsknecht Olympics Begins

      Styles Tournament
Consorts Tea

      5:00 Court or
as soon as possible after Styles Tourney

      10:00 Quiet time


      9:00 Curia

Site Closes

 Anyone wishing to hold
workshops, or teach a class, Should contact the Autocrat

Lord Michael Alan of Davenant (Michael

Lady Celeste Direwolf (Julie
P.O. Box 2577 Winston, Or

Phone: (541) 784-7300

Phone: (541) 430-1841


Lord Dafydd A’Montir of Dragonholt (David
Lady Amie Dudley (Amy Walker)

Phone (541)
145 Owyhee Lane

Oregon 97470

Phone:(541) 680-4262

This page for event id 4712 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has not completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy