

Hosted in-person by Device of Wastekeep

The Barony of Wastekeep (Tri-Cities, WA)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Melike bint Mihail
Date: June 6 , 2025 until June, 8 2025
Site opens at: 2:00 PM on June 6th 2025
Site closes at: 12:00 PM on June 8th 2025

Event site:
Basin City Memorial Park and Arena
303 Bailie Blvd Mesa, WA 99343

This is a Level 2: Branch Event where no Kingdom or Principality business is expected to be conducted event.


You are hereby invited to Springfest, where a grand Day of Tournaments will be held to vie for the titles “Champion of Wastekeep”!

On the seventh day of June, combatants and archers from across the realm shall gather at Basin City Memorial Park and Arena to prove their mettle in a series of prize tournaments, ultimately vying for glory and the title of Champion!

At opening court, members of the populous will be given ribbons for Chivalry, Prowess, and Entertainment to award to the contestants of their choice, so watch the contests closely and tie the ribbon to their banner once you see a deserving action! Throughout the day combatants will have the opportunity to participate in a handful of tournaments ranging from quick single elimination, weapons style specific tournaments, to a longer, open to all weapons tourney, to grand melees! At midday, the fighting will pause so that the populous can view the skill of the barony’s archers in a heralded archery tournament!Spectators are encouraged to come and lounge in the shade of the pavilions around the eric while cheering for your favored contestants. Come share food and drink with friends, old and new, while you watch the tourneys, play a game, or just relax in the shade. Spectators are welcome in and around any of the pavilions along the eric. There will be snacks! A prize will be awarded for best hospitality!

Additional prizes will be awarded for inspiration, chivalry, and maybe more…

That evening, court will be held to award prizes and a ball held to celebrate the victors! Come and bring a dessert or snack to share, and come ready to dance and be merry!


Important notes:

Adult contestants must have a banner (Recognizable from 50 ft away). If they bring their own, they will receive bonus points. If they do not bring one, they will be directed to a child, who will draw one based on the description the contestant provides.

It will be a busy day of fighting and shooting. Contestants may enter whichever tourneys they like (schedule permitting), you don’t have to fight in all the tourneys for a given discipline. You can win a prize for just fighting in one!

Prizes will be awarded for each tournament. Which means lots of prizes! If you are willing to donate or contribute to prizes please reach out to Seamus de Mantel (Evan Painter seamus.demantel@gmail.com).

For all tourney related questions reach out to the day’s Master of Tournaments, Seamus de Mantel (Evan Painter seamus.demantel@gmail.com).

For other event questions you can contact Melike Bint Mihail (sca.moira@gmail.com), the Event Steward.

Event Highlights Include: tournament for Armoured Champion, Rapier Champion, Archery Champion, as well as Youth Armored and Youth Archery Champion.  Classes and other activities to be announced at a later date.

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Offers Youth & Family activities
Has Heavy Fighting activities
Has Rapier and/or Cut & Thrust activities
Has Archery activities
Allows pets (check for details)

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Map Unavailable

Site Fees

Fee Type Cost*
Adults 18+ $25.00
no price differential between day and weekend rate
*SCA Members will receive a $10 member discount off the cost listed above.

This page for event id 8708 was last updated: February 6, 2025
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