September Crown


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Godric ap Rhys
Date: September 3 , 2010 until September, 6 2010
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 3th 2010
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on September 6th 2010

Event site:
Nix Ranch
220 Nix Road Chehalis, WA 98532

Crown level event. No conflicts within the Kingdom


The Barony of Glymm
Mere and the Shire of Fire Mountain Keep are proud to host
September Crown 2010. Please Join Their Majesties to witness
the selection of their heirs at this grand tournament to be
held September 3 to September 6, 2010.

Come and also bear
witness as competitors via for the honor of Kingdom Protector
and Kingdom Equestrian Champion. There will be various
additional activities and tournaments, be sure to check the
event schedule.


Event Fees: $15 adult, $7 Youth (8-17), 7 & under
NMS, $5
Family Cap: $44
Pre-Registration mail in form; Date Pre-Reg ends: August
20, 2010
Online Credit Card Pre-Reg: ACCEPS is now available.
Equestrian Pre-Registration
(postmarked by August 15th)

Autocrat Team:
Autocrat: Baron Sir Godric ap Rhys (
Deputy Autocrat & Scheduling: HL Francisca de Montoya
Deputy Autocrat: HL Muireann inghean ui Rhodain (
Merchantcrat: Lady Gyl of Whitemoors (
Site Coordinator: HL Muireann inghean ui Rhodain (
Gate Lead: Lady Alaina Blackthorn (
Equicrat: Baroness Kara of Saint David (
RV Wrangler: Wulfwyn (



(Subject to change pending Their Majesties’

Friday September 3rd
10:00- Site Opens: Merchants 
12:00- Site Opens: Populace
3:00- Archery Range & Equestrian Area Open (if
TAMS/Marshalls are available)

Saturday September 4th
8:00- List &
Armor Inspection Open for Rapier Fighters
8:00- Equestrian Field Opens
8:30- Rapier Cadet Tournament
8:30- Order of the Grey Goose Shaft Meeting- Royal
9:00- Archery Range Open for Royal Rounds
9:00- Archery Range Open for Beginners Archery Class
10:00- Court, Swearing in of Kingdom Equestrian and Protector
Champion Competitors
10:00 – Costumer’s Guild Meeting- Costumers Guild Tent
10:30- Kingdom Equestrian Championship Tourney
10:30- Kingdom Protector Tournament
10:30- IKAC Prize Tourney (Open & Open Cross Bows)
11:00- List & Armor Inspection Open for Heavy
11:00- Squires Tourney
11:00- Exchequer Meeting- Seneschal Tent
11:00- Embellishers Guild Meeting- Embellishers Guild
11:00- Chroniclers Meeting- Chroniclers Tent
11:00- Chirurgeon Meeting- Chi Point
11:30- YAC Meeting- Aquaterra’s Tent on the erics
11:30- Mini Chivalry Council Meeting- Royal Pavilion
12:00- List & Armor Inspection Open for Rapier
12:00- Sable Rose Tournament
12:00- Book Arts College Meeting- Book Arts Guild Tent
12:00- Herald’s Meeting- Heralds Point
1:00- Late Period Heavy Tournament
1:00- Seneschal Meeting- Seneschal Tent
1:30-Archery Novelty Shoots
1:30- List & Armor Inspection for Sable Rose
2:00- Ladies of the Rose Meeting- Royal Pavilion
2:00- Laurel/Artisan Tea- A&S Village
2:30- Kingdom Protector Finals
3:00- White Scarf Invitational
3:30- YAC Tournament- Main Erics
4:00- Laurel Meeting- Royal Pavilion
4:00- All Marshall Meeting/Information Exchange- List
4:00- Target Archery Marshall Meeting- Archery Range (Info
about new BOT)
5:00- Pelican Meeting- Royal Pavilion
7:00- Crown Contender Party- Royal Pavilion
Dusk- Candle Shoot- Archery Range

Sunday September 5th
7:30- White Scarf
Meeting- Royal Pavilion
8:00- Equestrian Field Opens
8:00- Rapier List & Armor Inspection Open
8:30- Lance de Leon Meeting- Royal Pavilion
8:30- Rapier Open Field Battle
8:00- York Range Open for Practice
9:00- Armor Inspection Open for Heavy Fighters
9:00- York Begins & Range Open (Laurel Shoot)
10:00- Crown Lists & Challenges- Crown Tournament
Immediately Follows
10:30- Cut & Thrust Tournament- Merchant Erics
10:30- IKAC (Period & Period Crossbow) Prize Tourney
1:00- Scribes Tea & Social- Costumers Guild Tent
2:00- Royal Rounds & Novelty Shoots
5:00- Chivalry Meeting- Royal Pavilion
6:00- Royal Court

Monday September 6th
9:00- Archery Range & Equestrian Area Open
8:00- Financial Committee Meeting- Royal Pavilion
8:30- Curia- Royal Pavilion
9:30- Noble Estate- Royal Pavilion
3:00- Site Closes – PLEASE BE DILIGENT IN





Best Western Park Place Inn & Suites
201 Interstate Ave
(I-5 exit 76)

Chehalis Inn
122 Interstate Ave Chehalis
360-740-5339 (1-877-740-5338)
(I-5 exit 76)

Relax Inn
550 SW Parkland Dr
Toll Free (1-800-843-6916)
(I-5 exit 76)

Motel 6
1310 Belmont Ave
(I-5 exit 82)


Local Amenities/Restaurants:

Annie’s Napavine Country Market
114 G Alder Napavine  (10 minutes from site)(Turn right
at Highway 603, follow to Napavine)
Grocery Outlet 1369 Louisiana Ave Chehalis (Off exit 79)
Jackpot 380108Highway 603 Chehalis (5 minutes from site)(Turn
left at Highway 603 and follow to store)
Safeway 1100 S Market Blvd Chehalis (10 Minutes from site,
exit 76)
Wal Mart 1601 NW Louisiana Chehalis (10 minutes from site,
exit 79)

Centralia Providence Hospital
914 S Scheuber Rd
(I-5 Exit 81)

Chehalis Police
350 North Market Boulevard
Chehalis, WA 98532-2620
(360) 748-8605

The Kingdom
Protector Tournament
will be held between 10
AM and 3 PM on Saturday at September Crown with the final
rounds being held between 3 and 4 PM. Those wishing to enter
must wear garb appropriate to their persona and display a
banner that identifies them at Invocation Court on Saturday
morning. Period footwear is encouraged. Contestants must
present current Combat Authorization and SCA Membership cards
to the List. The winner will be expected to defend the King
on the war field at An Tir West War and other wars to support
the Crown of An Tir. The winner must attend a minimum of four
Crown events (12th Night, May Crown, July
Coronation, and September Crown). The Tournament will consist
of three qualifying tests of archery skill. A contestant may
choose to enter one, two or all three tests of skill.

Castle Arrow Slot Shoot: Entrants must
choose between shooting a combat-legal crossbow or a combat-legal hand
bow, shoot combat-legal ammunition, and wear a combat-legal
helm. They will attempt to shoot 12 arrows or bolts through a
castle arrow slot. The highest scorer for crossbow
and the
highest scorer for hand bow will advance to the semifinals.

Walking Range: A man-sized target will be
placed at an unknown distance in the field. Each entrant will
advance through 6 shooting stations in a timed round. The
contestant will shoot 6 arrows or bolts using target archery
gear in the first pass through the range. In the second pass
through the range, the contestant will wear a helm and shoot
6 combat arrows or bolts using combat equipment. The highest
scorer will advance to the semifinals.

Period Speed Round: Entrants will shoot an
end of arrows or bolts in each of two 30-second speed rounds.
A period target will be placed at an unknown distance between
15 and 30 yards. Contestants are encouraged, but not
required, to use a period hand bow or period crossbow and
period arrows or bolts. The highest scorer will advance to
the semifinals.

Semifinals: Four semifinalists will be
paired into two shooting groups by the List. Two archers will
shoot at the same time at an advancing target. One round will
be shot using target archery gear. A second round will be
shot with the archers wearing helms and using combat archery
gear. In the third round, each archer may choose to use
combat or target gear as they see fit. To score a point, the
arrow must hit the target. Glancing arrows will not count as
a hit. The archer with the most hits wins that round. The
archer winning two out of three rounds will advance to the
final round.

Finals: The two finalists will shoot at the
same time at an advancing target. One round will be shot
using target archery gear. A second round will be shot with
the archers wearing helms and using combat archery gear. In
the third round, each archer may choose to use combat or
target gear as they see fit. To score a point, the arrow must
hit the target. Glancing arrows will not count as a hit. The
archer with the most hits wins that round. The archer winning
two out of three rounds will be the Kingdom Protector.

Note: In the event where a contestant places first in more
than one test of skill, the gentle will pick one of the tests
of skill as their qualifier for the semifinals. The
contestant placing second in the other test(s) of skill will
advance to the semifinals.


  September Crown 2010 Merchant

Merchants are expected to
be courteous and follow all rules of the event at all times.
Any behavior deemed rude or offensive towards other
merchants, attendees or the Autocrat team can result in the
offender begin asked to leave. Merchant Row is considered a
quite camping zone and must be observed as such. Please be
polite and courteous to your fellow Merchants.

Preference will be given to period
booths in an attempt to keep the “front” of the
Row as period as possible for the Attendees, after the period
booths will come booths that make an attempt to disguise
themselves, then regular booths. Merchants should try to
place their most Middle Ages merchandise to the front of the
booth. Please be aware that any merchandise deemed
inappropriate or offensive will be asked removed from the
booth by the Autocrat Team

Please no big households camped in
Merchant Row. Large groups can be asked to move into the
camping areas at the discretion of the Autocrat

Food Vendors must follow all mundane
health regulations and provide suitable garbage cans and fire

Refund Policy

A full refund will be given if the
merchant autocrat is notified of the cancellation in writing
postmarked 30 days prior to the start of the event. All other
requests for refunds will be at the discretion of the
Autocrat Team. There will be no refunds on the day of the
event or if the Merchant is asked to leave


The charge for merchanting at September
Crown will be $1.00 per frontage foot, you must add in room
for tie downs, this fee is in addition to the individual site
fees. All booths will be approximately 30 feet deep. Merchant
set up will start 10am Friday. You will need to pre-register
for this event by August 20th. Registration for both Merchant
space and camping fees will be required for this event as per
the Autocrat.

Merchants must be off site 3pm Monday


Merchant Information

Merchant Name:
Business Name:
Mundane Name:
SCA Name:
Contact Information:
Business License Number:
Merchant Wares:
Stall size requested @ $1.00 per frontage foot:
Are you a period booth? If not, how period are you? (Please
be honest, I don’t want to have to ask you to
Number of people coming on site with you? Please note, large
encampments may be asked to move into the camping area of the
event out of consideration for the other Merchants.
Special Requirements:

Merchant Payment
Please send Check to:

Barony of Glymm Mere
Merchant Registration- September Crown 2010
PO Box 1442
Olympia WA 98507-1442


This page for event id 5143 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy