Saint Eggberts Feast


Event Summary

Date: April 12 , 2014
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 12th 2014
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Josephine County Fairgrounds Floral Building
1451 Fairgrounds Road Grants Pass, OR 97527

Site Fee: $12-Adult
$8-Children 7-16
Under 7-Free
Family Cap-$35
Non-Member Surcharge Fee-$5


Come help the shire of
Myrtleholt celebrate the feast of Saint Eggberts.

The story of St.
Eggbert of the chickens:

Eggbert was born, the
third son of a fowler at Hennford, England in the year 402 AD.
 The local priest taught him letters when he was seven. He
bacame a wandering monk preaching to any listener.  He used a
hens egg to explain the Trinity and while happily dining on roasted
fowl said:  “if thy right wing offend thee then then pluck it
off.”  Eggbert was a pious but odd man often sleeping in hen
houses.  One night, fierce vikings raided the small hold.
 Eggbert, half asleep in the coop was beaten to death by a
huge Dane wielding a pair of pilfered cocks. 

The Shire of Myrtleholt
celebrates St. Eggbert’s Feast, because many years ago the Shire
was given a mystical sign.  There had been a feast wherein all
meats were poultry.  After this feast shire members exhibited
red itchy rashes, fevers and swelling of the bodies – all
indicative of the Pox of Henne.  Superstitious mutterings
causes one Lady to even change her name from “de Poullet” to “de
Faucon”.  The plague caused people to look to heaven for help.
 A story was circulated about the man called Eggbert who
seemed a Saint.  A large statue of a rooster was located in a
nearby village. Plague victims and survivors made pilgrimage there
to beseech Eggbert to end the plague.  They honored him with a
feast in the Spring.  The Plague of Henne was gone.

Activities Planned:

  • Gate Keepers Tournament. This is a Heavy combat tournament.
    Style of combat will be updated.
  • Cut and thrust and/or rapier tournament.
  • Table decoration contest. Rules to come.
  • Myrtleholt’s A&S Championship competition. Rules
  • Classes(more will be added with cost if any): 
    Butter Making with Lady Anne-Learn to make butter for your meal!
    Flint and steel with Emir-No cost unless you wish to purchase your
    tools, then cost would be $10
    Kumihimo with Viscountess Telisia-Learn to make beautiful Japanese
    cording! No cost
    Knitting circle with Princess Jennet-Want to learn to knit or just
    looking for a great conversation? Come sit in with Her Alpine
    Highness and learn!
    How to make a “squid hat” with HL Idonia-Come learn how to make a
    late 15th century German hat! This hat is appropriate for men and
    women and perfect to go with the Housebook style dress. During the
    class you will cut out and assemble your very own hat. The hat is
    very easy to make, so the class is open to all sewing skill levels.
    Cost $1 Materials: Bring half a yard of a light-weight, fulled
    wool. If wool allergies are a concern, you may choose to use a
    flannel or polar-fleece. Instructor will have fabric available for
    $3 if needed. Also bring thread, needle and scissors. Instructor
    will have limited supplies to borrow. Duration: 1.5 hrs.
  • Youth/Family games:
    Egg Jousting
    Egg Toss for distance competition
    Coloring/Illumination contest (3 medium) 
    Return Eggbert to the monastary(Pelele)
  • Youth Armored Combat tournament. Rules will be updated

Feast Menu(Subject to change/updating):

In commemoration of the recent visit of St. Eggbert’s Aunt, who
has spent the last 20 years in Greece, after having married a
wonderful Greek emissary.
It was feared that she had disappeared and had been lost due to one
of the plagues that had slowly migrated from the Mediterranean
north.  Fortunately, she survived, and her longevity has
been credited to her diet.
She has spent the last 20 years studying the cuisine of the Aegean
islands with a special interest in recipes that have something
to do with eggs and chickens.  She has brought back these
recipes and we’ve decided to honor her with this Greek
inspired feast…  To celebrate the relatively mild winter
just past….

  • Anti pasto platter-
    Olives, rosted red peppers, pepperoncini, young mozarella in olive
    oil and herbs
  • Hummus and freshly made pita-
    Chickpea and sesame dip flavored with garlic and olive oil
  • Tzatziki-
    Cucumber and home-made Greek yoghurt dip


  • Avgolemono Soup-
    Chicken rice soup flavored at the last minute with lemon and
  • Chickpea soup or Cannellini bean soup- Pending testing


  • Salad Bar-
    Standard mediterranean mixed greens, with optional toppings of:
    feta, finely sliced red onions, olives, etc.


  • Bastilla-
    A light fila crusted chicken and egg with nuts and spices
  • Mousakka-
    A hearty ground beef and eggplant casserole, topped with a mild
    bernaise sauce browned gently
  • Dolmades-
    Stuffed grape leaves, with a gently spiced rice filling.Half will
    be stuffed with a vegitarian rice mix, while the other half will be
    stuffed with a lamb rice mix. Served with a lemon sauce.


  • Date & Almond Tart
  • Baklavah-
    Fila pastry stuffed with nuts honey and spices, drizzled with honey
  • Greek Yoghurt with toppings-
    Home-made greek yoghurt with a variety of nuts, fresh in-season
    fruits, honey, and other toppings
  • Lemon&Lime Syrup Cake

Schedule(subject to change):

  • 10 AM-Gate opens
  • 10:30-Lists open/Classes start
    10:30-Flint and steel(class)
    11:00-Squid Hat(class)
  • 11:30-Invocations for Tournaments and A&S Champion
  • 12:00-3:00-Gatekeeper Tournament
  • 12:30-Kumihimo(class)
  • 1:00-3:00-Cut&Thrust/Rapier Tournament
  • 1:30-Knitting circle
  • 3:00-4:00-Youth Armored Combat Tournament
  • 3:00(15,30)-4:30-Butter making
  • 5:00- Court announcing winners of contests/tournaments
  • 6:00-Feast

Arts and Sciences Championship Competition

(Re)Making History

Each competitor shall enter:

Entry#1(required): Find
some form of documentation (picture, painting, drawing, textual
description, etc) of an item from any SCA relevant time and that
will be their “inspiration piece” and their “documentation” for
their first entry.

Entries may be in any Art or Science area, and must abide by the
following rules:

  • The item must not have been entered into any other A&S
    competition within the SCA before.
  • The item must be the work of the entrant alone
  • The item may contain materials that are not period, however,
    the entrant must be able to discuss why they chose that/those
  • The “inspiration piece/Documentation” must be submitted with
    the entry for judges to review, and must be as clear as possible
    for judges to verify consistency of the entry with the
  • Colors may be substituted, so long as the entrant is able to
    explain reasonings for doing so.
  • Performance work (bardic, musical performances, etc) are
    acceptable as they too are “Arts”; entrants must provide music
    scores for performance works
  • Entrant must be ready to discuss their methods, materials, and
    other details of their entries. No other “written” documentation
    will be required. The more period, the better.


Entry #2 (optional,
but, recommended):

Entrant will produce a “period” representation of their primary
entry that is in some way different to the “inspiration piece”. In
other words, if their primary entry is from a photo of an period
artifact, they can submit a hand drawing, a painting, a period
description of the item as their second entry. If the initial
“Inspiration piece” is a painting, they may submit a drawing, or a
period description, or perhaps a poem. The point here is for the
entrant to provide a second entry which is thematically connected
to the first by the “Inspiration piece” but exhibits a different
artistic skill. Example: An entrant may choose to use a painting of
a 14th century nobleman in armor as inspiration for a suit of
armor, and submit Item #1 as the suit of armor. Their second entry
could be a carved clay figurine that is clad in the armor, painted
to match the inspiration piece. 2nd entry will also not have been
used in any other A&S competition before.

Entrants will abide by the following:

  • Entrants must not be a current A&S Champion from another
    SCA branch, or have won more than one other Myrtleholt A&S
    Championship in the past
  • Entrant must be a current resident of the Summits
  • Entrant must be available in person at event to discuss their
    entries with judges
  • Entrants must file “intent to enter” to Myrtleholt’s Senechal
    (HL David de Rosier-Blanc) before April 1, and submit a brief
    description of what their entries will be at that time. Letter of
    Intent should be emailed to
    Letters of intent will allow our MoAS to coordinate Judging

Any questions should be posed to the current champion, Lady
Isabella Cavalcante (Lisa Harrell-Brock) (


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